[NOT A CHAPTER] more fics 👀

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(Yes, I am copying and pasting this from my other popular story. Sue me for not wanting to type out an entirely different message. That being said, if there is anything that doesn't apply to this story specifically, ignore it. That's me saving time )

Damnit, why isn't there a cross out feature?? I haven't written on here in so long, holy hell.

Hello, my dudes!

It is I, the awesome Merdel! No, I'm not back, and yes, this story is discontinued. I don't have any important news to share with you but rather some things? To share? Yeah, only things, not news.

I am not, for one, active on Wattpad anymore. I think that is clear enough by my very blatant inactivity. I do come by every few months when I remember this platform exists, but other than that, I don't write, read, comment or interact with anyone on here.

That doesn't mean I don't write however! I notice that even though this story is discontinued—and it's been discontinued for a while—it still gets a heavy amount of views, votes and comments. Hopefully that means you guys either like my writing or like Nico Di Angelo Hogwarts AUs. Either one would make sense 🤷‍♀️

Since I've written these few chapters of this story, my written has improved significantly (and I mean significantly). I also write a lot more. Yes, I write for myself, but I now also write for various groups online as well. I'm a leader of some of them too! Yes, they are all fandom related (and PJO related, though I was apart of a YOI group for around a year), but they aren't all fan fiction. I write theories and analyses now too! It's an all around fun time.

That's not why I'm posting this unwarranted update though. I'm posting this because I want to share my writing with you and it feels right to give the past, present and future readers of this fic easy access to my other, and newer, ones. So, yes, this is my AO3 —> https://archiveofourown.org/users/merdel11/profile or you can search merdel11 of course (NO I SWEAR THIS ISNT A GIANT SELF PROMO)

Disclaimer, don't expect any long, multi-chapter fics on there!! I love writing other peoples characters, but there's something about writing an entire story about them that doesn't get me motivated to do it. Trust me, I have the ideas, but because they aren't my characters, I don't feel like doing it. It's not as personal as it needs to be for the proper connection to be build so I have the need to write. If I want to create a book, it needs to be my characters and my universe.

I still write a lot of PJO stuff, so no need to worry! There's plenty of Nico/Will content for your Solangelo loving needs, a sprinkle of Magnus and of course some Will Solace, Lou Ellen and Cecil friendship for y'all. Don't forget the Will Solace and Magnus Chase BFF duo, cause I love them a lot and they deserve it.

There are some other fandoms there too! Though I wasn't super into Yuuri!!! On Ice, there's a bunch of YOI content because of the writing group I was in. There is also a bit of Voltron content, but not as much you'd think with me being as big of a fan of the show as I am. I need to work on that, don't I?

As for original works, you aren't able to read them anywhere. I do have some and I also have some OCs that I'm slowly building a universe around, but as I don't want to post it on Wattpad, I don't have anywhere to share them at the moment. If you have any suggestions or know of any platforms, I beg you, please tell me! I'm in desperate need.

I guess that's all I wanted to talk about. This'll be weird seeing a new chapter of a book you probably forgot about pop up in your feed, won't it? Don't worry, I don't care 😌 I like confusing the fuck out of people.

That's all! Adios! 👋

— ur mom (no, I'm not the mom friend. It's a ur mom joke but w/o the sexism)

P.S. I love you, you're valid, badass and super strong. Stay safe and stay educated! Thank you for reading! :) I hope to see you stop by!

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