Audrey who?

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Jess's P.OV

I woke up from my beauty sleep by the horrid sound of an alarm 'like seriously who thought it was a good idea to create alarm clocks?' I thought to my self and got an answer from that comforting yet annoying voice in my head I guess it's my inner/other soul, Oh I don't know the same person who thought it was good to send teens to school at Eight IN THE FRICKIN MORNING, I mean come on Hogwarts gives us breakfast at this time and it's nothing compared to the lunch food in your high school Jessy and you know it I hate to say this but sometimes she's right 'I agree for once.' we agree half the time now get up, wake those two idiots up, get food, get ready, and get to school STAT! so we can get this over with OR SO HELP THE STARS JESSICA ALLEN I WILL TAKE OVER. 'OK OK, no need to shout im up' GOOD.

After that little argument, I woke up and went back to my room since all three of us fell asleep on the couch and went to my personal bathroom to do my daily routine. After a few minutes, I came back and got dressed in Black rip jeans, white T-shirt and a grey Harry Potter hoodie that says 'I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good' then I brushed my hair and left it open but I did put a rubber band on my right hand in case I want to tie it up. Next up makeup, I don't like to jazz it up heck I don't even like makeup so I keep it natural and by that I mean the only thing I put on is some mascara and my favorite cherry flavor lip gloss.

After I finally got ready I grabbed my classic black bag 'good thing we packed last night' and Iris's Pink colored bag and Tyler's dark blue bag and walked out of my room back to the living room, grabbed my phone, wallet, and headphones and put them in my bag. Then I walked to my best friends and jumped on them to wake em up "WAKE UP YOU DING-WITS WE'RE GONNA BE LATE." I said jumping on them to wake em up "This is cruelty I tell you a Slytherin should not be treated like this." Tyler protests "yes they shouldn't but unless you wanna be late which even if you do me and SiSi will drag you out GET THE HELL UP AND GET READY NOW." I yell the last part in his face before both of them get up to get ready. I decided to be the feisty yet nice Hufflepuff I am and make them breakfast, after a few minutes they came down we ate and bolted out of my house and into Tyler's family car which is a small limo by the way and we were greeted by Albert and on our way to the first year of Junior year.

~Time skip to homeroom~

Me and SiSi just casually walked in the class and sat on our normal seats in homeroom when TYTY decided to be TYTY and come in with a dramatic entrance "BOW DOWN IDIOTS YOUR KING HAS ARRIVED." he partially shouts and does this all-mighty pose, everyone in homeroom is used to his humor so they all laugh me and SiSi included while Queen bee and minion EXCLUDED."yes ehem Mr.Wilson you may take your seat and Miss Allen and Miss Morris please no pranking today all three of you I have some special announcement." Our homeroom teacher Miss Smith told me, TYTY, and SiSi, we just nodded.

"Alright, first of all, welcome back students to another year of high school, and I know these speeches are boring so lets cut to the chase. In a couple of weeks, we will be having a one week trip to LA, this trip is set so both students and teachers can have fun so there are no rules except two number 1: Don't get yourselves killed or get in trouble with the police cause that won't be our problem you have been warned, and number 2: Do get back at the hotel lobby at the end of the trip so you can get on the bus and get on the plane. Anything else you do in this trip is none of my concern." she says and the classroom is filled with cheers and laughter before she starts again "And the second announcement is after the trip we will be having a new student in our class who transferred from a school in LA. Now, as usual, it's homeroom so you can do whatever you like and no Mr.Wilson you may not give a speech." she said the last part to TYTY and as soon as she did so he put his hand back on the desk looking disappointed.Then all three of us were talking about the trip and SiSi was especially really excited cause this means she can surprise Noah.

~Timeskip Lunch~

We haven't got a lot to do since it's the first day so thank Merlin for that anyways me and the two other troublemakers in school are heading for lunch so let me tell you this pranking is fun and takes me out of this world it's my passion so that's why me, TYTY, and SiSi are known as the trouble trio cause we cause mischief around the school and I know what you're thinking, but your a Hufflepuff you shouldn't cause trouble. And I mean TYTY's a Slytherin so breaking rules is kinda his thing and by that I mean he likes a bit of adventure, SiSi is a Gryffindor so she likes getting into danger and my explanation for myself is that I have a cute fluffy side and a feisty side that wants to be a rebel sometimes so we prank people and their ok with it we do apologize at the end we're not mean dementors or something it's just for fun and people seem to enjoy our pranks even if they're the ones being pranked so that's good. Anyways we're walking and we see Queen bee and she starts talking her lame shit, sorry for my language but she gets me mad."If it isn't the dorks where did you get those clothes Jessica? the recycle store." she spats and Paige laughs "No she got them from a store you're banned from because you look like Annabelle and Barbie had a baby," Iris spats back and the come back was hilarious that me and TYTY laughed out loud "Well you both look horrible ever heard of something called makeup it's used to cover ugly people like you." she spats back WE'RE GOING IN "Oh so that's why you wear make up heavier than pennywise the clown and FYI Audrey we don't need makeup cause we don't care what others say and as far as I know Iris gets more compliments than you day by day.And as far as I remember we never asked for your opinion " I spat at her leaving her speechless YEAH YOU MESS WITH THE BADGER YOU GET THE CLAWS. And with that, we walked to the cafeteria "that was awesome Jess." Iris tells me as she keeps up "Not awesome BLOODY BRILLIANT." TYTY joins in as we eat our food.

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