Me, Anime and ice cream

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Jess's P.O.V

So it's the weekend finally. And I'm all alone. TYTY had to go to his cousin's house this weekend and SiSi is having family time. Don't even ask me about Troy cause he hasn't been picking up his phone. A part of me is annoyed at him for some reason but the other is relieved. Why? well because I have no idea what the hell I feel when I'm around him, I feel all happy and get butterflies in my stomach. I don't know it's just new and I don't know how to deal with it yet so I guess it's good that he didn't answer but again I wanted him to answer UGHHH I don't know.

I jump out of bed and decided to go grocery shopping and by that I mean snacks. Different ice cream flavors, chips, grilled cheese, sodas you name it. I'm having an anime streak. So I put on some black skinny ripped jeans, a grey plain shirt, and my black hoodie. I tied my hair in a messy bun and ran downstairs right after I took my phone and headphones and placed them in my pocket.

Today I also have the house to myself since my grandma went to California to visit her sister, which by the way I have never met. I jumped in my trusty converse and grabbed my keys and wallet before heading out of the house with a smile.

Eyyy I'm in a good mood. I crossed the street and went inside the huge supermarket, grabbed a trolly, and rolled it into the Ice cream aisle. Okay, chocolate, vanilla, strawberries, mochi, cookies, and cream. Ugh, so many options. Alright, let's get cookies and cream, chocolate, and mochi. After all no harm in having ice cream in the house right?

Next, I went and got myself some chocolate bars and cookies and rolled my way to the chips aisle and got my favorite Sour cream and onion mmm. Alright, jess no more distractions time for drinks. And with that, I speeded towards the fridges and got myself some lemonade.

I was now done with my shopping so I started walking to the cash register to be stopped by the most beautiful thing in my life. AGHHHH I NEED IT!!! I ran faster than Usain Bolt and found myself in front of the most beautiful thing in my life. It was a hoodie but not just any hoodie this hoodie was precious, gorgeous, indescribable. It was a black plain jacket but the hood had purple wolf ears. And it was the last one, ah how the hoodie gods, if there are any, have given me luck. I took the hoodie and placed it in the trolley.

Once again I was on my way to the cash register when I had a quick stop to get these cute black bracelets that have spikes. Okay now, let's go back home. I finally made it to the cash register and patiently waited for my turn. "You aren't really planning on eating that alone are you?" the cashier asked me with a weird look "I'm a girl with a big appetite and no I am not going to finish 3 tubes of ice cream in one day so can you please just check these out so I can be on my way." I looked at him with the same weird look he gave a few moments ago.

With a sigh, he started checking out my items and putting them in bags. YAS food and a cute hoodie and bracelets best day ever. I paid for my stuff and headed home. Once again I crossed the street and reached my house. I opened the door with my keys and locked it behind me setting my wallet and keys on the table. I then started to store the food I bought before heading upstairs with my new bracelets and hoodie. I changed into an oversized shirt that comes till my knees and some comfy shorts under it washed my hands and went downstairs to set up my anime and snacks.

~3 hours later~

My anime marathon finished so I was now scrolling through Netflix trying to decide on what to watch next when someone rang the doorbell. Recently might I add "UGHHH I'M COMING." I yelled out and went to open the door. "What is it? Troy what are you doing here its 7." I asked the raven in front of me. "Well, I saw your calls but didn't pick up because I went out to get us some dinner and games to play and eat on this fine weekend and wanted to surprise you." He explained. How sweet can you get?

"Well I finished my anime streak so get in here and let's watch some movies and play some games while we have the best weekend ever." I smiled and we both made our way to the couch. "So what did you get us?" I asked him now sitting comfortably on the couch. "HMM let's see Mcdonalds, Chicken, and Ramen. We can play some GTA, Minecraft, Undertale, and Fortnite." he finished with a smile "Awesome you're the best but before the gaming let's watch something." I turned to Netflix and scrolled until I finally picked a movie for us to watch.

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