Love or war?

14 2 0

Jessica's P.O.V


"AGH!" I screamed as soon as I heard my stupid alarm clock, why did I even set it?  "THAT'S IT!" I death glared at the stupid thing. I was fed up, I jumped off bed grabbed it and slammed it in my closet. Now, what happened?

Narrator's P.O.V


"Okay, what do we watch?" Troy asks Jess after he finished setting up everything from the food on the small coffee table in front of the couch, to the AC and lights, to the comfy blanket and pillows now resting on the gray couch. "Let's go with the Notebook." Jess smirks and puts the movie before turning to see Troy giving her a weird look "Bruh! really?" he questions making Jess laugh "Whaat I'm tired of all the other movies I want to try something new." she explained. "Fineee." he sighs and then starts watching the Notebook.

~1 hour later (sponge bob voice)~

Jessica's P.O.V

So far the movies good I guess. not one of my favorites though. A few minutes later, we were still watching the movie until it started to rain in the movie and the main characters Allie and Noah kissed for the thousandth time at least that's how I feel. I was watching the scene when I suddenly remembered the incident in L.A where we kissed in the rain. I sneaked a glance at Troy, by the looks of it he is remembering the same thing. We both looked at each other in silence and before I knew it we were both leaning in and kissed each other. What is this feeling? We both pulled away with small smiles on our faces for reasons unknown to both of us. We turned to continue the movie now covered in the warm blanket that's shielding is from the cold air-conditioned room.

I shivered "Cold?" Troy asks me softly and I replied with a nod. And was shocked by what he did next. He pulled me closer in a hug "Better?" he asked me with a smile I'm pretty sure I was as red as a peach or as TyTy and SiSi call it Hulu. "Yeah, thanks." I smiled back and we continued to watch the movie.

~Time skip ~

Troy's P.O.V

Why is she so DAMN CUTE!  I thought to myself and turned back to the screen to see the movie ended I turned back to Jess to see she fell asleep on my shoulder Heh adorable."Okay, time to get you to bed." I said aloud even though I know she's fast asleep. And I carried her to her bed bridal style. "Goodnight peaches." I smiled and went back downstairs. Okay, time to clean up.

~Time skip a few minutes later~

I checked the time to see it was already 11 (STRANGER THINGS!!! no? okay) I left a note for Jess that tells her where I went. And with that, I went back home.

End of flashback

Jess's P.O.V

Okay, I need to get to school DANG IT. With a flushed face, I ran to my bathroom and did my daily routine. Next, I took a trip to my closet and hurriedly grabbed some black ripped jeans, a sky blue crop top, and my converse. After changing I Brushed my hair and tied it in a high ponytail and went downstairs. Shoot if I don't move now I'll be late. I grabbed a chocolate bar and saw a note on my counter. Huh? I started to read it:

Hey Peaches

I know that you'll probably wake up late so I already packed your bag. BTW I had a great time but I had to get back home, I'll see you at school.


"Awww!" I said to no one in particular after reading the note. I ran to the door to see my bag I grabbed it and was about to leave when I saw Troy forgot his hoodie. Hehehe mineee! I ran and grabbed the black and grey hoodie putting it on "Right let's go." and I ran to school.

~At school~

"JJ!" My best friends call me while I fall to the ground panting. But then someone placed me back on my feet. I turned around to see it was Troy with a smile on his face "Morning Peaches, slept well?" he asked me "Wonderful Roy ma man wonderful." I joked making us laugh. "Something we don't know?" TYTY asks us with a grin. "Yeah we left you for 2 days and we missed all this," SiSi says gesturing to me and Troy making us laugh.

"You didn't miss anything Iris peaches and I just had a movie night and is that my hoodie?" Troy explains and suddenly looks at me with a playful grin. "Correction it's OUR hoodie now. I'm wearing it today." I stick my tongue out like a kid making him chuckle in defeat. "Let's go to class you lovebirds." Iris teases and I run after her ready for murder.

~After class~

The class is empty now and I finally managed to organize my DAMN PLANER. "You! time for revenge I'm going to hurt you so bad for humiliating me!" Audrey screams at me "Sheesh Audrey I'm right in front of you no need to shout and FYI  you got what you deserved." I spat and grabbed my bag to leave. Suddenly she flings her hand at me ready to slap me, and I was ready for an Impact but it never came someone stopped her hand before it reached contact with my face.

"what are you doing let my wrist go!" Audrey demands "NO! leave my girlfriend alone!" He tells her in a protective and annoyed tone. "WHAT?" Me and Audrey say at the same time "You heard me leave my girlfriend alone. I'm tired of how you keep on trying to hurt her. You're oblivious Audrey she's invincible, she's strong, and she doesn't give a DAMN about what you think. And these are just some of the many things that makes her amazing so SCRAM!" He blurts out leaving both me and Audrey shocked. She suddenly jerks her hand away from Troy's grip "You'll pay for this one day Troy!" and she stomped away "Try me!" he yelled back.

"You okay?" He asks me in a soft voice "I'm your girlfriend eh?" I joked making him blush "N..No I just said that so she'll leave." He stutters making me laugh "I know, thank you, Troy." I said in a soft voice before kissing his cheek and running off.

A/N: Alright that's one more chapter done I hope you guys enjoyed it and just for all of your information I haven't watched the Notebook so I'm sorry if I got something wrong in that part. Anyways Love ya'll and till we meet again.

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