" The date "

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Jess's P.O.V
"Wake up, JJ wake upppp." A voice calls me. ugh, I want to sleep is that too much to ask? "What is it SiSi?" I say finally waking up with a headache.

"It's freaking 1 get up get dress so we can eat and then you have that date with Troy." She tells me like she's a secretary or something wait DATE?? "It's not a date SiSi it's just a second chance that I'm still thinking of giving," I explain.

"Mhm sureee anyways get up." She hits me with a pillow. "Ok sheesh, I'm up." I surrender and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I decided to wear a cute crop top which is white and written in black it says TROUBLE in bold, some black shorts and to finish my look some black ankle boots.

"What do you think?" I ask SiSi and TYTY once I walked out of the bathroom."Oh, ma cupcakes." SiSi exaggerates."You know JJ for this being, not a date you look pretty hot tell me if he hurts you.I'll break his legs myself." TYTY says "No you won't and thanks." I said with a chuckle. "OK hair time." SiSi grabs me and leads me to a chair. Complete silence while she's tying my hair in a high ponytail.

"Makeup time." she squeals "No, no makeup." "Oh come on just a little waterproof mascara." she pleads me "Fineee." I give in and let her do my mascara. "Annnd done." she announces as she drags me to a mirror "Woah." I look at my reflection."I know right yeee I ship you two." SiSi jumps up and down "Calm down there SiSi." TYTY says attacking her with a hug so she'll stop jumping. "You look great JJ.," he tells me with a smile" Thanks TYTY." I said before joining the group hug."Ok, let's go grab a bite until 3 shall we?" TYTY aks us and me and SiSi look at each other before saying at the same time "We shall." and walking out of the room hand in hand.

~Time skip to 3, Location: Docks~

I walked to the docks 'wow it's beautiful how the sea hits the rocks, how the sun is reflected on its clear waters and how the smell of salt mixes with the air making it so fresh.'  True.

I snap out of my daydream at the moment I hear his voice "I knew you would like it here." I turn around to see Troy, wearing a denim shirt and black jeans and white sneakers 'Woah"Troy! Hi, and yeah I love it." I say taking a deep breath."Glad you like it, you look great by the way.' He tells me rubbing the back of his neck shyly "Thanks you two." I say with a smile.

"So are you ready for the best day ever?" He asks with a grin. "Hmm don't know, depends is this the best day ever?" I ask in a childish tone "Um yeah." He says in an obvious tone. I giggle "Let's go then." I tell him with a smile that makes his eyes lit up.

~time skip~

we're sitting in a restaurant after a long great day. We walked on the beach, played in the park, played volleyball, and more it's been great. Now we're just sitting as we already finished our food "Hey Jessica?" He starts "Yeah?" I asked him "I'm really sorry, I know I was a jerk and I feel so bad for acting like that. For taking Audrey's side for not being there for you when you were down when you realized it was your family in that car, and that I wasn't there to put that guy in his place when he bullied you for weeks pulling your hair, pushing you and all the other things he did on your 8th grade." He says "H..How did you know about that?" I asked him "Audrey, that time when you saw us talking. From a normal conversation it went to you, she was talking all about what happened to you and that she was glad, and after you left I had enough of her attitude and walked away from her before telling her to never talk like that about you ever again." He says

"Why do you care? I've dealt with her and much more through my life and you turned your back on me that day so why do you care now?" I asked him and he sighs "I never wanted to do anything like that to you but I was dumb and young and she and her parents were one of my parents oldest friends so I was afraid of getting in trouble I guess, but I don't care now, and I realized that it was stupid to do that to you and I'm so sorry I hurt you." He says. I stare at him shocked "W...Why are you sorry for hurting me? it's not like you cared. Even when we were friends you liked her more than me." I manage to say. He chuckles "Because I care about you a lot Jess more than you know. And even when we were kids I still cared and liked you but I kept it a secret so Audrey won't do something that will hurt you." he explains

"You care about me?" I ask shyly. He reaches to my face and lifts my face so I can look in his deep onyx eyes "More than anything." and my heart drops as I get hit by an emotion I don't know but can get used to "Do you forgive me?" he asks "So you are not Audrey's friend and this isn't a joke?" I ask and he nods I look in his eyes and for the first time in a long time I know he's telling the truth.

"I forgive you, Troy." I tell him with a smile and he gives me a big smile filled with happiness."Let's get out of here." he says as he reaches out his hand for me to take it which I did and we walked outside after he paid for our food.

We were walking when I leaped forward and smiled back at him "Oh baby baby how was I supposed to kno- AGH." I was trying to act like Britney Spears when I tripped and shut my eyes close waiting for the hard contact but it never came.

"You okay peaches?" Troy asks me with concern. I open my eyes to see he caught me just in time "Yeah I'm fine." I tell him and find my balance again but his hands were still holding me. After a few minutes, he's right hand went to where my hairband was and dragged it gently of my hair letting my hair loose.

"T...Troy?" I stutter 'why am I stuttering?' "I love your hair down peaches." He said and it made me blush I tilt my head down so he won't notice. He let go of me and we started walking again until we heard a song playing we walked towards it and it started raining but the music didn't stop "Wanna dance like crazy?" He asked me reaching his hand out."Sure" I giggled. And we started dancing so crazy I was like we were the rain.

He twirled me and I kicked the water to make him wet he did the same before pulling me back towards him and throwing me up gently before catching me and make us twirl while my hands were clinging on his neck.

The music stops and we look at each other. Our hairs and clothes were wet 'thank goodness SiSi put the waterproof mascara on' but regardless that his hands were still securely on my waist and mine on his neck. His eyes were locked with my green eyes before they traveled to my lips and before I knew it his lips crashed mine. After a few seconds of shock, I kiss back closing my eyes.

We pulled away and he locks my eyes with his once again "Wow." He chuckled making me chuckle "Wow." I copy him. And then he gets a shock expression on his face "what?" I asked, "I'm so sorry Jess." He says "what do you mean?" I asked confused."I kissed you without asking and I didn't know if you wanted to kiss me or not and you just forgave me this morning I'm so sorry if I moved to fa-" but I cut him off by putting my index finger on his lips "Shhh calm down." I chuckled "It's ok we were both caught up in the moment. So calm down okay it's ok." I told him and he nods.

I remove my finger from his lips and look at him as we pull away from the embrace."You're amazing Jessy you know that right?" He asks me as he tangled his hands through my wet hair."I try to be." I say with a smile. And we start walking back to my hotel.

~Time skip ~

"Thanks for everything Troy." I thank him and he smiles "Any time." He smiles back "You know I'm leaving tomorrow I'm going back to NYC." I tell him with disappointment "And maybe we won't see each other-" but he cuts my sentence off by kissing my cheek "Maybe I'll surprise you." He says and I blush "Bye Troy." "Bye peaches." And I walk in my hotel room and immediately lean and slide against the wall 'I think I'm falling for him.I'm falling for my ex-best friend who is now my friend.' I think smiling a goofy smile for no reason "Your late and wet what happened?"SiSi asks me and I just nod while biting on my lower lip "how did it go?" She asked, "It went great." I said before skipping like a 6-year-old to the bathroom to change out of my wet clothes and take a shower.

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