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I was working in the kitchen when the bell on the door jingled. I around the corner, not paying attention as I tried to scrub away the grease I had on my hands. I glanced up from my dirty fingers and got sucked into a dark blue abyss. "Welcome to Linden's how may I help you?" I kept all emotion out of my voice as I tried to remain calm in that dark blue stare.

"I have a birthday party coming up in a few weeks I was wondering if you catered? I was looking to do a dessert bar and needed a variety of sweets."

"Of course, lets set up a consultation for tomorrow some time so I can get more details, what you'd like, how many people, time, location, things like that. "

"Sure I'm free at ten."

"That works. I'll see you tomorrow at ten." I say looking away before I drown in the deep blue pools he called eyes. He turns around and heads for the door, but he stops just before it and looks back at me.

"Linden." was all he said. I rolled my eyes and made eye contact with those blue sapphires again.

"Yes?" I snapped, keeping my eyes locked on his for the first time since he came into the store.

"Are you going to act like we don't know each other?" 

"Yes." My answer short, my tone mean, my face void of emotion. I hope he would take the hint and just leave already but he took a step away from the door and towards me. 


"How could you not know?" I was starting to get irritated. How could he not know what he did to me it wasn't that long ago that he ruined my life completely. Of course, self-centered assholes only think and care about themselves so maybe he really didn't remember

"I don't remember anything going wrong with us. If I hurt you in any way it was not intentional, please tell me. What happened?" He pleaded with me, he was standing right in front of me again with a look of confusion in his eyes. 

"Well, let us see," I said pretending to think.

"I was the fat girl remember? Everyone made fun of me, everyone hated me because I couldn't wear crop tops and booty shorts like the rest of the girls at our school. The one day I got asked out, out of nowhere really. And guess who the person was that asked me out, the hottest guy in school, rich, popular, smart. We had never talked before, not one day. So when he asked me out I kept declining. For two weeks I said no until one day when he stopped me by my locker and asked me out again...I said yes. He took me out and of course, I had a good time. I was dressed in my nicest jeans and most slimming shirt, my hair was done, I had put on a touch of makeup. We went out a few times the next couple of weeks. I began to really get to like this guy, he wasn't what he portrayed to be at school. He was a genuinely sweet blue-eyed kid with a crooked smile, that watched romcoms with me, and brought me ice cream, and played video games with me." 

"This guy was perfect, I fell for him, he told me he loved me and I finally said it back. He asked me to prom in front of the whole school, by then we had been dating for three months. His parents hated me because I was broke, but he didn't care, instead, he kept seeing me. When prom rolled around I got this amazing gown. I had lost ten pounds so I could fit in it. We went in a limo and had a good time, we danced and took pictures. After prom we went to a hotel, he had set it up perfectly with rose petals on the bed, candles, food, music. That night I gave him my virginity, my love, my body, my heart. And when I woke up the next morning, I was alone. 

I felt the tears burning my eyes and I blinked letting them run down my cheeks. I continued on.

"We were on our final week of school since we were graduating that weekend. We had to practice our ceremony and finish up tests, you didn't talk to me. I tried calling you, tried texting you but you ignored me.  When I walked into school on Monday everyone, and I mean everyone came up to me with smirks on their face, snickering telling me that my boyfriend only wanted me for sex. They called me gross and fat. They asked how he could sleep with someone like me. I was embarrassed. I wanted to hate you so damn much."

"Graduation rolled around and I had to make a speech. My grandparents and my sisters were there. You were obviously there. I got my diploma and gave my speech. I saw you with your parents looking happy. I took pictures with my grandparents and my sisters and on our way to the parking lot, two police cars pulled in. Lights flashing, sirens off. They stepped out of the car and walked over to us, asking us if we knew so and so. We said yes and they told us they had been in a car accident and that they didn't make it, we needed to go identify the bodies."

"After my parents funeral, I legally took in my sisters. I gave up college and used my college fund and the money I inherited to take care of my sixteen-year-old and thirteen-year-old sisters. Not only did I have them to worry about but I started feeling sick. I was throwing up, always light headed and tired, yeah turns out I was pregnant."

"So Talon you walk in here like four years ago never happened and ask me why I am short with you. I have been taking care of three little girls by myself. I never got to go to college and I am living off of what we make here at the bakery so yes I am going to be a bitch with you when you come in here acting like you did nothing wrong and that I and you were perfect."

"Linden I am so sorry." I could see the pity in his eyes.

I shook my head at him wiping away the tears. "Stop, I don't want your pity."

I turned around to walk away, but before I left him standing there I looked back and said, "I'll see you tomorrow for our consultation sir."


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