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It has been three months, my stomach has grown and I'm now officially showing. We've had two doctor appointment and I'm on my way to the next one now. Talon pulled into the parking lot, he got out then came over and opened my door. He grabbed my hand and helped me up.

We walked hand in hand into the doctor's office. We signed some papers then waited for the nurse to come and get us. Talon rested is hand on my belly. "I hope it's a boy." Talon whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him. "Me too." I said with a smile.

"Linden Gray." the nurse said. We walked into the room and I unbuttoned my jeans, then pulled up my shirt after I laid in the chair.

"Hello again Linden, Talon. I'm going to put gel on, it will be a little cold." Dr. Hale said. She put on the gel then turned on the screen. I could hear the heart beat. It went boom, boom, boom. But the weirdest thing happened. There was another heart beat. "Well guys it looks like you're going to be having  twins." Dr. Hale said with a smile.

I looked up at Talon with my mouth wide open. He was already looking me with a big smile on his face. "Would you guys like to know the sex?" Dr. Hale asked.

"Yeah." Talon said I nodded along with him. She moved the transducer around on my stomach. She watched the screen then smiled.

"They are both boys." Dr Hale said.

Talon leaned down and kissed me. He pulled back and smiled at me. I had the gel cleaned from my stomach, I pulled down my shirt then buttoned up my pants. We left hand in hand and went to the paint store. We bought gray paint. We then went to Galt Baby and bought two white cribs, a tan chair, along with a dresser and a blue and white dresser.

We got home and the girls, Talon and I started on the nursery. Hadley and Talon got to work on painting the walls gray. Talon worked on setting up the cribs, Parker put up the night stand and lamps while I got to work on the music and arranging everything.

We danced to She Looks So Perfect By 5SOS. After the girls painted and the cribs were set up we took a break. I opened all the windows so the room could air out. We ordered chinese for dinner, we just sat around the table making small talk. "Lets have a pick up line contest." Ana said.

"OK the winner gets to go to bed a half hour later than what they do already. The judge will be Parker. Parker choose the person who had the best." Talon said.

"Me first. Do you have a band-aid because I scraped my knee falling for you." Hadley said

"Nice one, but mine is way better. "Are you a parking ticket cause you have fine written all over you." Hadley said. I laughed at that one.

"Did you fart because you blew me away." Talon said while winking at me.

"I wish I was toilet paper so I can touch your butt." I said while wiggling my eyebrows at Talon.

"Love it," Ana said while laughing, "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." Ana said while blowing a kiss at a giggling Parker.

"People call me Hadley, but you can call me tonight." Hadley winked at Talon while motioning for him to call her.

"You guys are good but no match for me." Talon said. "I hear you're thirsty, here is a six pack for you." Talon said while standing up and lifting up his shirt.

I licked my lips then smiled at him." I got you guys beat on this one." I said with a smirk. You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall... is in love with me."

"Boom! Beat that suckers. Parker who won?" I asked. She looked around at all of then she smirked. "Mommy!" she screamed.

"Woo! I screamed." I bowed "Thank you, thank you, I know I'm awesome. Girls it's late clean up your mess, Ana help Parker into her PJ's and then you and Hadley get to bed." I said. I cleaned up our take out mess then turned to Talon. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist then leaned down and kissed me. He pulled back then leaned down and kissed my baby bump I smiled at him."I'm going to finish the nursery will you help?" He nodded and lead me upstairs.

We put up the dresser and changing pad that goes on the changing station. I put some diapers in the bottom cabinet of the dresser. I put one crib next to it in the corner and the other across the room. A chair is in the right corner. A blue, white, and orange curtain was hung up. On the wall behind the dresser is a white tree with birds in them.

I have elephant bedding with white and blue lines. There is a blue and green pillow in the white chair along with a blanket. We were done and I was so happy. Talon came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, his hands resting on my stomach and his head on my shoulder. 

"In about five months our baby boys will be born." he whispered. I turned around and kissed him. "Come on lets get to bed, it's been a long day." We went up to bed and I fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me and his hands on my belly.

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