11 Talon POV

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The main reason why a daughter needs a dad is to show her that not all boys are like the ones that will hurt her. So I guess it's true a father is a daughter's first love.

It's Parker's birthday today. She wanted a party after school so now I have about twenty little girls running around screaming. She has some of her cousins and aunts, and uncles here too. We made it a little family event. Linden made some snacks and a cute blue zebra cake.

"Uncle Hunter!" Parker screamed while jumping into Hunter's arms.

"Happy Birthday princess." he said while chuckling. He turned to me mw while saying. "Who would have guessed that you would be at your daughter's birthday party with a bunch of little girls running around with their moms." he said while smirking.

"Hey I love my daughter. When are you guys gonna start having my god children?" I asked

"Please man don't start. Ever since Linden told Ash she was pregnant Ashley has been talking about kids and family and little outfits. I think I will just handle this one for a little bit. I mean she already has uncle Hunter wrapped around her finger." He said while tickling Parker.

"Babe come help me!" Linden called. I nodded at Hunter and walked inside to the kitchen. Linden had the cake in front of her, she was lighting candles. I walked over to her and helped her light the cake."

She grabbed the cake and walked out to the back door. "Happy birthday." I started while leading the way. Everyone gathered around the table on the back deck. I sat down with Parker on my lap, her friends around the table with the adults standing behind them. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Parker Happy birthday to you." We all sang.

She leaned forward and blew out the candles. Linden snapped some pictures of Parker blowing out the candles, of her and me smiling, and  her kissing my cheek while her arms wrapped around my neck.  After we all ate cake we helped Linden open presents.

She got a makeup kit from Hadley, a princess castle from Hunter and Ashley, a new zebra blanket for her room from Ana." OK Parky so this present is not just for you but for your aunts as well." Linden said. I walked out behind her holding the newest addition of our family. It was a German Shepard husky mix. It was a boy in case the baby wasn't a boy.

Parker, Ana, and Hadley ran to me and pulled the dog out of my hands. "You need to name him after the guest leave." I said while looking at them they jumped up and gathered me in a group hug. I smiled at them and chuckled.

The guests left at around 8pm. I helped Linden clean up then we sat the girls down at the kitchen table. They all sat in front of us while Linden sat next to me. "Girls we sat you down because Talon and I have something to tell you... I'm gonna have a baby." Linden said. 

"Sweet. Oh pleas let it be a boy!" Hadley cheered.

"Congratulations." Ana said with a smile.

"What about me?" Parker asked.

"What about you sweetie?" Linden asked.

"The baby is going to take my place." Parker said with tears in her eyes.

"No baby, the baby will never take your place. We will love you both equally. I know you will be the best big sister ever." I told her. She looked up at me and smiled. 

"Now girls you need to decide a name for our new little man." Linden said.

"How about spot." Anna said.

"Oh how about blue since he has one blue eye." suggested Hadley.

"I like the name Reilly. Parker said.

"Yeah that's a good one I like it too! Hadley exclaimed. Ana nodded along with her.

"Well lets welcome Reilly. Now we have to set up some rules and chores. He is not to eat your food. He has food of his own and I will not tolerate begging. You three will take care cleaning up poop, walking, and feeding. He will be fed before school and and when we eat dinner. I will refill his bowl when I come home for lunch. He can get on furniture as long as he does not pee or poop. He also needs to be trained immediately. Any questions" Linden asked.

The girls all shook their head. "Good. Now I want Parker in the bath, Hadley and Ana go and be quiet. I will put away the rest of the food and Talon help with the bath." Linden commanded.

I helped Parker undress after I ran a warm bath. I helped her get in, putting soap in my hand I washed her head. Massaging her head with my fingers. "Are you excited for the baby?"

"Yeah. I want a boy." she said with a sigh.

"Me too." I smiled. After I rinsed her hair I helped her wash her body then dried her off. I helped her get into bed. I kissed her forehead after I tucked her in. "Goodnight princess, I love you. happy birthday."

"Goodnight daddy. I love you." she yawned. I shut the light off and walked to my room. I claimed into bed with Linden who was already asleep I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. I wrapped my arms around her resting my hand on her stomach. "I love you. Both of you." I whispered before I fell asleep.

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