10 Talon POV

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There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than a woman being unapoligeticallyherself: comfortable in her perfect imperfection, to me that is the true essence of beauty.

It's friday today. Alot has happened this week, the girls moved in, they got their rooms decorated, Parker is planning a birthday party, my birthday party is tonight, and Linden hasn't been feeling well all week.

I was in my room getting dressed. I put on my tux, then my shoes, I went over to my night stand and grabbed the little black box that was hidden in the back. It's been hard keeping this box hidden, ever since Linden moved in we've been going at it like rabbits. She wanted to use protection the first couple of times to compare the difference. I thought it was great with or without the rubber in the way. 

I walked out of my room and down the hall to Ana's room where all the girls were sitting. 

"Are you really gonna do it!?"Had rushed over to me asking. I nodded my head and sat on the end of the bed. Parker jumped on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck while burring her face in my neck. I hugged her back. 

"Are you sure you guys are OK with this? I asked looking at Hadley then Ana.

"Yeah I mean you both are crazy in love and no one else is going to put up with all of us." Hadley said.

"I think you guys are perfect for each other. I wouldn't want any other person to be my brother-in-law and father figure." Ana told me. She walked over to me with Hadley on her heals and they surrounded Parker and I in a group hug. I looked over Hadley's shoulder and saw Linden walking down the hall. She stopped in the doorway and smiled at us. We all let go of out embrace. I looked down at Parker who was sleeping on my shoulder and smiled. 

I laid her down and tucked her in kissing her on the head then walking over to Linden. I kissed her cheek than took her hand in mine. "We'll be back late so I will see you girls in the morning. I bought you snacks and set them on the coffee table in the living room and Netflix is loaded, have a good night girls." Linden said.

"Have fun you too." Ana said while winking, Hadley behind her smiling wide and wiggling her eyebrows. I chuckled and shook my head leading Lin out to the limo. We got in the back and drove off to the club. When we arrived at Zion we got out and walked hand in hand.

It looked wonderful inside, there were strobe lights and colored lights, there was nothing but junk food and alcohol. People were laughing and dancing. I pulled Lin straight to the dance floor. We danced, well if you want to call it that it was more Linden grinding on my front while I held onto her waist trying to keep my sanity. 

After about an hour we went around and mingled. I had just gotten back to Linden with some drinks when there was a clap on my back. "Hey man nice party!" Hunter said. I smiled at him and nodded taking a sip out of my glass. "It'sabout time" I said "Can you get them to quiet down and I'll get Lin into position." I said.

Hunter went over to the DJ and had him cut off the music while I walked Lin to the middle of the dance floor. "Hey Hey party people the birthday boy would like to say something real quick. If you would please give your attention to Talon!" Hunter screamed in the mic. He came over to me and handed it to me.

"Hey guys, thank you for coming out tonight. I just wanted to say something before we go back and party. As you know I have never been in a serious relationship, well not since high school. Linden was my first girl friend and the first person I lost my virginity to. I love her with all my heart. I did something bad to her and we split up. I have had the chance to meet up with her again. She has given me a second chance and I couldn't be more grateful." I paused and looked at Linden who had tears running down her face.

"Linden I love you so much, these past three years have been hell with out you and I never want to spend them without you ever again. I want to raise our daughter together along with your sisters and anymore kids we have together." I bent down on one knee and pulled out the little black box then opened it. "Linden Kelsey Gray will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

She had tears streaming down her face, with her hands over her mouth. "Yes!" she said. I got up and put the ring on her ring finger then kissed her like I have never kissed her before. It was short but there was so much passion and emotion in it. I could hear screams and whistles. The crowd was cheering. 

We got a lot of hugs and congratulations. I looked over at Linden to see her still crying."What's wrong babe?" I asked while hugging her.

"It's just you did this out of love. Not because you are forced or stuck." she whispered

"Of course it's love. Why would I be stuck?" I asked

"Because I'm pregnant." She whispered in my ear. I looked down at her with the biggest smile ever. 

"But I gave you a drink" I realized and panicked.

"I didn't drink any of it." she aid shaking her head.

"When did you find out?"

"Only yesterday." I smiled down and kissed her again. It was slow and sweet. I can't believe I'm going to have another baby.

"I hope it's a boy. There are too many females in this house at once." I said with a smirk she elbowed me in the ribs with a smile. Hunter and Ashley walked over to us and gave us each a hug. "Congrats guys. I expect to be the best man and Ash to be the maid of honor." Hunter said.

"Would god parents work better?" I asked Hunter. He looked at me then at Linden then back to me then to Linden's stomach then smiled. Ashley was already hugging Linden."Oh my god I can't wait. A baby and a wedding you go girl. We would love to be god parents. We already love Parker so much.I hope you have a little boy." Ashley said

I nodded along with Hunter while Linden just shook her head smiling. About three hours later and all my guest were drunk and tired we shut down the party. I grabbed Linden by her hand and walked her to the car we got in the back and enjoyed the ride home. "Have you told the girls yet?" I asked

"No I was hoping we could tell them sometime next week. We could tell them on your birthday since Parker's is one day before yoi we could give her time to enjoy the party and her friends before we break the news," 

"Yeah that works. But I want to get them a puppy." I said. Linden nodded then laid her head on my shoulder. The rest of the ride was quiet. We arrived back home and I carried Lin upstairs bridal style. I laid her down and got her jewelry, dress, and heels off. I looked down at the ring on her finger and smiled. 

I got undressed and put on on pj pants then slid in next to Linden. I wrapped my arms around her then kidded her on the top of her head. I smiled thinking about spending the rest of my life with her. My hands rested on her still flat stomach. I can't believe we were having another baby and I actually get to be here to see it all.

I feel asleep with a smile on my lips and my hands protecting her grwing stomach. I knew I made the right choice and that I was going to be


I have started another book it's called Best Friend? I will post the first chapter on Wednesday so please look out for that book. On the side is the wedding ring. I wanted to upload a quick chapter it's not very good and I will go back and edit I messed up a little bit and I apologize for that. Please remember to vote and comment. I would like to get at least twenty votes on a chapter. I know there are a lot of people reading so it can't be that hard. Thank again for reading this. Please tell others about this book if you like it. I have told other authors about it and have put stuff about it in my other books but I would like some help from you. 

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