15 Talon Pov

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"Ladies and gentleman please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Talon Ackerson!" the dj yelled. The guest cheered as Linden and I ran in hand in hand. The rest of our bridal were already sitting at our table at the front of the room. Linen and I made our way over to the table and sat next to each other. Our food was brought out and we all ate.

There was a clinking sound in the middle of the meal. Then there was the sound of banging on the table. I looked over to Linden and smiled. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up my hands went to her waist and as i dipped her low my mouth crashed to on to her's. I pulled her back up and smiled. We sat down and continues eating.

"If I can please have everyone's attention please I would like to say something." Hunter smiled at the crowd while holding a glass of champagne. "Hi guys I would first like to congratulate the new bride and groom. I can't believe my little Talon married the woman of his dreams/," he chuckled.

"I remember when Talon first talked about Linden. He was so happy, his smile lit up the whole room, he always had a smile. He told me about two months after they were dating that he loved her. He told me he was going to marry her no matter what. They had their problems and now they are married. I would like to welcome Anastasia, Hadley,Parker, Rhyland,Radley and Linden to the family. I hope you have the best life together my new sister, and my best friend and brother." He raised his glass then bent down and hugged Linden. He came to me next. I hugged him back, patting him on the back as well.

"Wow that is a hard speech to beat." Ana said with a chuckle.

"So as you may know I am Linden's little sister. I really wanted to say thank you Talon, thank you for finally making my sister happy, for finally giving her what she wanted when she wanted it, and for finally giving her the help she deserves. Linden thank you for taking care of Had and I we both appreciate it greatly. I am so happy you found your soul mate and I am glad that you married your soul mate. Talon thank you for bringing us into your family, I love you like a brother already and I know that Parker, Had and the twins do as well. Congratulations to my sister and my new brother." She raised her glass,"Cheers." she smiled. 

I looked over to Linden and saw she had tears running down her face. I leaned over and hugged her, with my lips at her ear I whispered,"I love you baby." I kissed her forehead after she whispered an I love you back. "Ladies and Gentlemen please make your way to the edge of the dance floor the bride would like to have a dance with her sister." the DJ announced.

Ana came over and grabbed Linden and made their way to the dance floor. The did a slow dance to a song. After the song was over I made my way to Linden who was in the middle of the dance floor "When I Look At You" started playing, I grabbed Linden by the waist and twirled her around the dance floor. When the song finished Parker ran over and asked if she could dance with me. 

I picked her up and twirled her around for a song. Her head was resting on my shoulder while her hands where around my neck and her legs around my waist. "I love you daddy, thank you for making mommy happy." She whispered in my ear. I pulled away from er and kissed her cheek. "I love you too. More than anything."

After the song all the guests gathered on the floor and started dancing. About three hours later the males were drunk, the females were tired, and the kids were dancing off their sugar high from the pop. We cut the cake about half an hour ago. Linden lightly put my piece in my mouth while me bing me shove her slice in her face. She was changing right now for the long plane ride. We were heading to Tahiti for about a week. 

When she came ack we lead everyone outside and had rice thrown at us. She turned around and threw her bouquet which Ashley caught. Parker came running over and kissed us both goodbye. Ana and Had brought the sleeping twins over and we eachgave them a kiss. I was going to miss them so much. I turned to Linden and kissed her, I helped her into the car and got in after her. I grabbed her hand as the driver drove us to the air port.

We borded the plane then got comforable in first class. The trip lasted around ten hours. We were woken up by the flight attendent. We grabbed our stuff and went to baggage claim. We were waiting for the car when Linden turned to me. "I really love you." she said. I smiled and kissed her real fast.

We got in the car and headed over to a dock. We got on a little boat and rode out to a little private island. When we got to our hut I helped Linden climb up the ladder. When I got up after her I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the hut. I walked over to the bed then laid her down on the bed.

I kissed her, hard, she moaned under me making me excited. Her hips came up and met mine, rubber her entrance on my growing erection. I kissed down her neck, I pulled her up to remove her shirt then unclasped her bra. I kissed down her chest kissing each breast and sucking and playing with each nipple. I kissed my way down her stomach stopping at the hem of her shorts. I pulled them down along with her thong.

I moved my head down kissing along the inside of her thighs. I spread her legs so that my head fit. I licked her wet folds. A sweet taste on my tongue along with an intoxicating smell. I licked on her bud as I slipped a finger in. She moaned and arched into me. I added another finger to her tight entrance groaning as she rode my fingers faster. I could feel her walls tightening around my fingers as she came. I lapped up her sweet liquid making sure to get it all.

I pulled my fingers out only to put them in my mouth and sucked. "I need you...Now!" she moaned. I unbuttoned my shirt and took off my tie. She unbuckled my belt then slipped off my pants and boxers. I laid her down and positioned my tip at her entrance. I ran the tip along her foods pushing in a tad bit. She moaned and grunted under me. "Please baby." she begged. 

I pushed all the way into her, feeling her tight walls wrapped around me. I pumped in and out of her, hearing her moan my name as I increased the pace. Her walls once again tightened on me, her breath picked up, she arched her back into me as she moaned my name. She came hard screaming out she loved me. I pumped into her once more before I came in her. I grunted out her name before I sunck down and buried my head in her neck. "I love you Mrs. Ackerson." I smiled kissing her nose.

I pulled out of her and laid next to her. I pulled her into me, she cuddled up next to me and let out a content sigh. I kissed her head before saying, "I hope married sex will be like that for the rest of our lives." 

She giggled before saying, "I want two more kids hopefully a boy then a girl." 

"I would love five children with you. But we need to wait a little bit longer before we start having again. Ana will be seventeen in about a month, Hadley fourteen in three months and the twins are only about three months. We need to wait about two to three years. Let Ana get out of the house and Hadly get ready to leave." I explained.

"I don't care when we have them, we have years since we had our first three a little young." She said with a smile.

"Can you believe I'm only twenty two and I have three kids. It is unbelievable." I said while kissing her cheek.

"Can you believe I married you after having three kids. I mean twins, that was hard." she sighed out.

She let out a yawn. "You're tired baby. Get some sleep, I over you." I kissed her lips before I pulled back and smiled. She curled into my side even more and closed her eyes. I feel asleep with a smile on my face and my wife, and mother of my kids by my side.

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