Chapter 17

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I'm getting ready for dinner, it's our last night here and Talon and I thought it would be nice to go out and have dinner next to the beach. I put on some cut off shorts, I tucked in a white v-neck shirt. I put a long chain on, some white flip flops and a tan cardigan. I left my hair down resting over my shoulders and breast. I put on simple eye liner and mascara. After I was done I walked out of the bathroom and over to Talon who was waiting by the front door.

I grabbed his hand and we walked out to the boat that was waiting by the dock. Talon had already loaded our bags, we will be staying in a hotel near the airport tonight that way we can get up and go right away in the morning. After the short boat ride to land we hopped into a taxi. He took us to a small restaurant called Na Aroon. 

"How many?" the waitress asked.

"Just two." Talon said. 

"Alright if you would please follow me." Talon and I walked hand in hand to the table. It was a booth in the corner. I chose one side and slid in while Talon sat opposite of me. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. "Here are your menus. What can I get you to drink?"

"We will both take water." Talon said. She nodded and left to get us our drinks. I opened up and looked through the menu. There were different types of pastas and sea foods. The chicken Parmesan with lobster looked amazing. I closed the menu after decide and looked at Talon.

He was looking through the menu while chewing on his bottom lip. I smiled to myself knowing no one esle was going to be able to have him. He suddenly looked up, he caught my eye and smiled at me. "Here are your drinks. Have you decided what you want yet?"

"Yes I would like the shrimp pasta with Alfredo and lemon." Talon ordered.

"How would you like the chicken with with?"

"Grilled, can I also get a side of cheese bread sticks."

"You sure can, and how about you." She smiled looking over to me.

"I'll take the chicken Parmesan with lobster."

"Excellent choice." she said. she took our menus after telling us our food will be out shortly. 

"I don't want to leave." I frowned.

"I'm sorry." Talon said with fake compassion.

"How about you go home without me. I'll stay here and yo can visit every so often."


"Why because you'll miss me?"

"No because I can't take care of that many kids."

"Your a mean husband." I pouted.

"I love you." He said playfully.

"No, no you don't you wouldn't miss me."

"Of course I would, the mother of my kids and the love of my life I would die with out you." he said 

"well good, I love you too then.." I smiled at him. The food arrived shortly after, we made small talk during the meal. after we ate we got another cab. We rode to the hotel, we checked in then roade the elevator to our room. I jumped in the shower once I was out I put on a navy blue tnk top and whit lace shorts.I climbed into be next to Talon.

He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him kissing his warm soft lips. He returned the slow kiss opening his mouth for me to stick my tongue in. Our tongues battled each other, I nipped at his bottom lip. His hands were making their way up my shirt when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Linden, Linden!"

"What, What happened?"

"It's Parker, she's in the hospital."


OK so as you know my chapter last night didn't want to show up so I made a new one. It is small the one I posted last night was about four pages this one is one. Oh well, it was a filler any way. I think The last chapter will be 19 but I might go even and make it 20 I am not sure yet. Please enjoy even though it may not be good ignore it and wait for the next one.

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