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I am now about seven and a half months pregnant. I'm out shopping at Galt Baby shopping for some clothes. I already bout clothes for when they are newborns but I'm picking out some socks, pants, shirts, and jackets for when they become months old. I'm walking to check out when I walk into a person. "Excuse me, I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy ." I explained.

"He got you pregnant." the voice growled out. I looked up to see the red head from the ball. "Hi I never got your name."

"It's Taylor, but I guess only your fiance would know that because he was just moaning it the other night." she said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I whispered. 

"Your little fiance came to me complaining about you, he kissed me and I had him moaning my name so damn loud." she said with a little chuckle.

"I don't know what your problem is but Talon would never do that to me. Now if you wold excuse me I would like to get home and to my daughter and her father." I turned around and paid for all the clothes. I got home and went to the nursery. I slowly put all the clothes away. I walked over to Talon's office to check on him. He had been in there since we woke up.

"Hey babe." he said when he heard me enter. He got up and leaned in to kiss me. I moved my head to the side and stepped away from him. "What's wrong?" he asked

"Did you kiss Taylor?" I asked while looking him the eye. I could feel my eyes burn with tears. "Where did you hear that?" He asked calmly.

"I ran into her today when I was shopping for OUR children's clothes. She said you kissed her and she had you moaning out her name."

 "I never slept with her." he said while looking me in the eye.

"Did you kiss her?" I whispered.


"Did. You. Fucking. Kiss. Her!?" I screamed at him. He stared at me for the longest time. "She kissed me." He whispered looking down at the ground.

"Well I guess since me, your pregnant fiance is not good enough for you.You can leave. Pack your bags and stay somewhere else. I am not leaving this house with my daughter and sisters. You can stay at a hotel and moan her name all you want." I hissed out.

"Linden, I didn't kiss her back though. I would never." He begged.

"Did you come to her complaining about me? Did she really make you happier than what I do?"

"Yes I talked to her. I've been stressed lately. The twins are coming soon, work has been rough. My dad has not spoken to me since I told them you were pregnant. I just let it all out. No she doesn't make me happy but it was a heat of the moment thing! Please you have to believe me!" He begged me. He had tears running down his cheeks.

"Please get out." I whispered not wanting to meet his watery eyes. I turned around and got into bed. I closed my eyes, listening to him shuffle around the room. "I love you Linden and we are not ending this over something stupid." he whispered. He shut my bedroom door, I could hear him talking to Parker and her asking him to stay, I could hear Ana and Hadley asking whim why he was crying and where he was going.

I heard the front door shut and a car start and pull out of the driveway. I finally let my tears fall free. My bedroom door opened and foot steps surrounded my bed. The bed dipped from behind and in front. Parker came and laid in front of me while Ana and Hadley cuddled in behind. They wrapped their arms around me and I cried even harder. "Please work this out Lin. He didn't do anything." Ana said.

"No man would ever cry that much about leaving if he didn't love you." Had said.

"I want daddy back. Please let him come home soon."Parker whispered. I listened to the heart beats of the girls. I listened to the slow breathing. The in and out of the deep, even breaths, soothing me. My tears had dried and I had fallen asleep cuddled up to the only family I have had left.

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