4 Talon POV

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She looked just like me. She had my eyes. Well they were big like her mom's but the color was mine. She had the same same smirk as me and the same smile. She was going to be tall and skinny like her mother. She was laughing, I don't know how this little girl managed to laugh when she was sitting in a hospital with stitches in her head. But she laughed. She had her mother's laugh. She was shy just like her mom, sweet but tough.

I was laying in bed with her, after we hugged she asked me to lay by her. She curled up in a ball next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. Linden use to do this especially when she was on her period. I would slowly rub her back while we just laid there. I was rubbing Parker's back while she asked me questions.

"Do you love me?" she asked 

"Of course I love you. You are my little girl."It was true I fell in love with this little girl as soon as I found out about her.

"Do you love mommy?"

I looked down at her thinking about the question. Of course I love Linden but do I want to tell my daughter that I love her when I don't think she loves me back.

"Yes I love your mommy. I want to marry her."

She looked up at me and smiled. "Good because mommy loves you too."

I could talk to this little girl for hours. I found out everything about her. Her favorite color was blue, she was turning four on the 16th of November, she loved ice cream, was in love with chocolate, loved to cuddle, wanted a dog, and she missed me.

She was exactly me. I could see why Linden struggled with raising her after I left, it wasn't because she was a single mom, it was because she wanted to get over me but coudn't because of my mini me. I looked down and saw that Park was sleeping. I moved out of the bed and headed down the hall to the cafeteria where Linny was sitting. I walked over and sat across from her. 

"You are so good with her." she said with a smile.

"I love her." I said while looking down.

"I could see it in our eyes."

"Linden I want you guys to move in with me. I want us to be a real family. I know I screwed up in the past but please I need you. I love you. I also love my daughter and I want her in my life along with your sisters." I whispered to her.

She had tears running down her face. I got up and walked over to her. I grabbed her hand and helped her stand up. I pulled her into a hug and just embraced her. I pulled back a little bit then tilted her head up so I could look into her eyes. I lowered my lips to hers. The kiss was slow and passionate. It took my breath away. I could feel fireworks.

Wow I sounded like a bitch but this girl was the woman of my dreams. She made me happy, frustrated, excited I just couldn't get enough of her. Her green eyes, her long brown hair or her perfect body. She pulled away from the kiss and looked at me like she was just seeing the real me.

"How can I be sure that you actually want this?"

"Because I love you. Because I havn't been with anyone else since I left you at prom."

She was about to say something when a nurse cam in."Um Mr. and Mrs. Ackerson Parker is asking for you please come quick."

I grabbed Linny's hand an we followed the nurse back to the room. Inside the room was Parker laying in bed crying. She looked pass Linden and right to me.

"Daddy! I-I thought you were gone." she cried. She opened her arms for me, I walked around Linden and straight over to her. I hugged her for what seemed like hours. She finally calmed down, I climbed int the bed with her and she curled into a ball right next to me. She fell asleep again so I turned to Linny who was sitting in a chair next to the bed.

"Please think about it." I whispered.

"I'll have to talk it over with the girls. Don't you think were moving too fast?"

"We have already been together. We have already loved each other. We just got a little lost but now were back on our path."

She looked at me like I was crazy."Linden I want you, in any and everyway possible. I want you to be the mother of all my children, my best friend, my wife. Please I'm not asking you to marry me... yet just move in with me."

She stood up and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck then kissed me. 


On the side is Parker. Listen to the song it's amazing. Chapter not edited. Will edit once the book is completed.

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