Chapter Sixteen

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“Niall I can explain everything… Wait where is Harry?” Louis wondered. 

”Sleeping. “ Niall stated simply. 

”In the middle of the day?” 

”Yes Louis he is tired. Now explain to me what is going on. Please. I can’t take this anymore. I don’t want to be in the middle, I love you both. And you guys are best friends you can’t just throw all of that away.”

”I would never throw that away! Our friendship means everything to me.”

”Then why are you sneaking around Louis? Just tell me that, because Harry is right, it is hypocritical.” 

Louis seemed hurt by these words, “I guess I just didn’t want to face the questions of why I was hanging out with Eleanor again.” Louis revealed. 

”Well why are you hanging out with her again? When you broke up it didn’t even seem like you cared. You weren’t sad about it at all! And then next thing we know we see pictures of you guys having what looks to be some very intimate conversations.”

In the other room Harry had awoken to the sound of Louis’s voice. He stood ear pressed to the door waiting to hear his response to Niall’s question. 

Louis began to speak. “Right now Eleanor just understands things that no one else understands. She has been an amazing friend to me and I have been able to confide so much in her.”

Harry felt like he had just been stabbed in the chest. He was enraged. He had made such an effort to understand Louis; to be there for him, to be someone that he could tell anything to. Why wasn’t that good enough? And now after everything, Louis could stand there and call her an amazing friend. Harry was there for him always, before Eleanor came along, and he would be there long after Eleanor was out of the picture. How could Louis not see that?”

Well I guess he just doesn’t need me anymore. 

Harry wanted to slam the door and cause a big scene; but he knew better. He didn’t want to be followed.

Louis and Niall were still talking but they had moved into the kitchen to sit down. All Harry could hear were mumbles. But it didn’t matter; he knew perfectly how that conversation was going. 

Harry quietly snuck out of the room and then out of the apartment. 

Harry entered his own apartment and went straight to the bathroom. He locked the door, and took out a razor. 

This has to be done. He doesn’t need me. He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even need m friendship let alone something more. 

With each word though the gashes became deeper; the blood was trickling down his arm. 

He felt relief. He was beginning to feel comfortably numb. 

Harry started to do it without even a thought. He was mindlessly destroying his own flesh. With each strike of the razor he felt that much better. He felt in control. 

Niall and Louis had a long talk. They put everything out on the table and it all began to make sense. Niall now finally believed that they would overcome this fight, and that everything would be okay again. 

”What room is Harry in Niall?” Louis questioned. 

”In the spare room.”

Louis walked down the hall and quietly opened the door being careful not to wake Harry up. 

He peeked in only to find an empty bed. 

”Ugh, Niall are you sure he was in this room?” 

”Yeah Louis there’s only two bedrooms…” Niall walked down the hall and into the room. He was shocked. “Check my bedroom.”

They opened the door across the way but there was no one to be found.  

”He’s gone.”

Harry no longer felt any pain. Everything was just a blur. His eyelids began to flutter in a struggle to keep his eyes open. He had never experienced anything like it, is this what it felt like to die? Harry began to wonder if anyone would actually miss him, would they even realize he was gone? A single tear drifted from his eye as the world went black around him, and he slipped out of consciousness. 

Louis and Niall searched the whole apartment. Harry was nowhere to be found. 

”Okay let’s go back to yours and Harry’s place and check there.” 

Louis was beginning to panic; Niall saw it on his face. 

”Don’t worry Louis, everything will be fine.”

Niall and Louis opened the door to the apartment and first looked in Harry’s room. They then made there way to Louis’s room and the kitchen. Louis tried to open the bathroom door but it was locked. 

Oh no. 

”HARRY! ARE YOU IN THERE? PLEASE OPEN UP!” He began pounding his fists on the door. Niall ran over to him and tried with the doorknob again. 

”Please Harry, open up! We can talk about this!” Niall begged. 

They waited for a moment but heard nothing. 

”I am going to break the door down.” Louis stated. 

Niall just nodded. He couldn’t believe what was going on. 

Louis stood back and took a breath. His whole body was overcome with fear; fear of what he might see. 

He exhaled and moved forward with all of his force. He slammed his body against the door with everything he had. 

The door budged open. 

And nothing could prepare him for what he saw next. 

Louis dropped to his knees and began to sob.He felt like someone had just knocked the air out of him. He then started to scream. “HARRY! NO HARRY PLEASE. WAKE UP.” Louis began to shake him. 

There was so much blood.  Louis glanced to the razor at Harry’s side. 


His lifeless body lay in his arms. 

Louis screamed in between sobs, “Niall! Call an ambulance!”

Niall’s eyes were wide with fear. He just stood in shock. This could not be happening. This wasn’t real. 

”NIALL!” Louis shouted once more. 

Niall snapped out of his trance and ran to get a phone. 

Louis stared down at the boy that lay in his arms. His wrists were torn apart. Not Harry, not my Harry. This wasn’t real. He couldn’t be covered in his blood, he couldn’t be holding his best friends lifeless body in his arms. Things like that only happened in nightmares. 

Louis cried more with each look he took at him. All he wanted was for his eyes to pop open and to see those beautiful, piercing green eyes staring back at him. He wanted him to smirk at him, to see him smile his dazzling smile that spread happiness to whoever was fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of it. He wanted him to place his long fingers on his face and to tell him everything would be okay.

He needed his best friend. 

”Harry you can’t leave,” Louis choked out. “You can’t. You just can’t.” He began to rock back and forth with Harry in his arms, tears steaming down his face. 

Niall entered the room. “I called the ambulance they are on their way.” 

Louis only half heard his words. He couldn’t think, he couldn’t speak. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to get through this. 

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