chapter 1

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"Here's your next mission." The man tossed a picture onto the desk.

The slightly younger man grabbed it and stared at it, "Who's he?"

"Detective Dean Winchester. He works around these parts...he's the best there is." The older man sat down behind his desk.

"And he's my mission?"

"Yes he is. He's been trying to track us down for years and he's getting a bit too close for my comfort."

" want me to kill him?"

"Not yet...we're going to kidnap him."

"Why even bother? If he's so good he'll get away."

The older man laughed, "He can't get away if you're going to watch him. You're the best we have."

"So we kidnap him then what?"

"We bribe the police...make them leave us alone. Or else we'll hurt their precious Detective."

"Alright then...when do we do this?"

"We have it all set up...he won't know what hit him." He snickered evilly.


"I'm out of here!" Dean grabbed his jacket, putting over his shoulder.

"See you tomorrow, Dean!" A younger man waved to him.

He walked out of the building and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. He put it between his lips and lit it up. He walked towards his car, which he unlocked. He tossed his jacket in the passenger's seat then heard his phone go off. He exhaled some smoke and flipped open his phone, "Hello?"

"Detective Dean Winchester." A deep voice said.

"Yes, that's me. Who is this?" He dropped his cigarette and stomped it out.

"I'm afraid I cannot disclose that information to you."

"And why not?" He got into his car and closed the door.

"Do you know of Tony Fritz?"

His eyes widened at the name, "Sure, do you work for him?"

"Tonight a quarter before midnight, Mr. Fritz will be meeting with some people. People with great power, which I cannot disclosed to you...for my own safety."

"Alright...where is this going down?"

"Outskirts of town, in the first and only abandoned warehouse there." The line went dead.

Dean closed his phone and started up the car. The reason Dean even got into doing police work was to find Tony Fritz. The man who screwed his life over, by having his father killed. Leaving a distressed mother to take care of. It was all for revenge.

He also knew very well it was a trap. Not normally would some guy call, who claims to be working for Mr. Fritz and give out information...which was plain crap. So he was ready for the trap he was about to walk into.


Dean parked in front of the abandoned warehouse, the mysterious caller told him about. With pistol in hand, he went inside. Right away he was attacked; thankfully he was quick and ducked out of the way of a kick to his face. He kicked the attacker in the knee and pointed the gun at him, "Hold it right there."

The man was knelt down holding his knee in pain, "You knew."

"I'm not stupid. Where's your boss?"

"Like I would tell you..."

Dean kicked him across the face and made his way further into the warehouse. He knew that one person wasn't all in the warehouse. He was the only part of the trap and Dean knew it.

He got into this big room where only a chair was. He looked around carefully but saw no one. He walked over to the chair and stared at it, "What the hell?"

He heard someone come into the room and quickly turned around. There stood a man a bit shorter than himself, he was unarmed. Dean pointed his gun at him, "Who are you?"

"Does that matter? You're going to shoot me anyways..." He grinned.

"Where's Mr. Fritz?"

"If I told you then I'd have to kill you...but sadly that isn't what I'm supposed to do."

"Then why are you here?"

He sighed and turned around, "I'm here for you..."

"Wh--" Dean was cut off when the other man turned around quickly kicking Dean in the face.

The man watched as Dean fell to the floor, knocked out. He snickered, "You let your guard down...and you're suppose to be the best." He clapped, and few other men came in. "Tie him up while I contact Mr. Fritz."

"Yes, sir!" The men grabbed Dean and put him in the chair. The man opened up his phone and dialed a number, "He's in our hands now, Mr. Fritz."

"Good....I'll be right over."

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