Chapter one

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A/N: For all of you who had a shitty first day back to school. And for those who have homework.

In the morning John went to the Washington's to ask if Alex came home. He didn't. John called everyone he knew but no one knew where he was.

The Washington's filed a missing persons report. The only thing they found was his phone. They couldn't find surveillance of him because there was no surveillance in the neighbor hood. Everyone thought that Alex ran away, but none of his friends did. All of Alex's enemies were asked about him but no one knew. They stopped bullying the squad after that.

A week has passed and still no signs of Alex. John worried and cried himself to sleep and listening to his last conversion before Alex disappeared. His mom and sibling comforted him everyday. Maria started to pray more and became a full Catholic. The Schuyler's were in shock and raised money to find Alexander, even a private detective. Nothing. Laf and Herc were more quiet. Especially at lunch. They would just look at his seat and only say little. 

Weeks, months, and years went by and you might think that Alexanders disappearance made the squad grow apart from each other but you're wrong. The squad was inseparable after that. Every year for the anniversary of Alex's disappearance they would be silent together and John got in a fight or two. He was sent home, but the whole squad went home with him. The pain started to numb slowly and eventually they started to talk to each other a lot more.

The Washington's cried for a long time, they still do. George blamed himself thinking it was his fault, that he hadn't pressured Alex, he would have stayed home. Martha kept herself very busy to keep away the pain. No one dared to enter Alex's room except for Lafayette. He would even sleep in there. The Washington's didn't give up though. They made sure to stay strong and even moved up as teachers at Kings College.

The year is 2018. Angelica stopped in her activist career after Alex went missing and studied being a police officer, but not just any officer a detective at SVU (Special Victims Unit). Angelica graduated way earlier than the rest of the group and for 4 years she ranked up. She is now known as Sargent Schuyler. She did it for Alex. Peggy decided to study as a detective too. She is currently in Kings College and will soon move to special training. Eliza knew she wasn't fit to do what Angelica and Peggy were doing so she did what Alex would want. She is working as an architect so she can build an orphanage and help many orphans, like Alex would want. She also volunteers at orphanages and tell's Alexander's story. Alex is 19. John is 21. Angelica is 30 . Eliza is 24. Peggy is 20. Lafayette is 21. Hercules is 22. Maria is 22.

Laf and Herc are now a couple. Laf studied economics while Herc was studying in fashion. It is also the summer so they are off in France together. Maria is Peggy's lover but didn't go to Kings. She went to an all girls Catholic school and is traveling with a group all around the world. She is currently in Portugal and she is sending Peggy many pictures of her.

As for John, he slowly started to draw again. He decided to minor in art and major in Marine Biology. It is what Alex would want. He would want his boyfriend to be happy no matter what was happening. John was convinced by Peggy to try to move on from Alex so he tried to date Francis Kinloch but it didn't work, which is what John wanted. He didn't want to betray Alex knowing he was alive somewhere.

It is August 6, 2018. The time is 12:25. Laf and Herc are at Lafayette's grandmothers home watching T.V. Maria is swimming at a beach in Portugal. George Washington is teaching a history class while Martha is being the school counsel. Peggy and John are roommates and didn't go anywhere for the summer so they stayed in their dorms. Peggy is in her room finishing up a essay that will give her extra credit and boost her up in her training. John is at the local Walmart so he can get food and make lunch. This is where I leave you off, but don't worry I'll come and butt in sooner or later.

John's POV

I go to Walmart and get some food because Peggy was busy and couldn't get it herself. I grab some bread, beans, vegetables, the usual. I remember the time me and Alexander ran a shopping cart into the cereal stack. It was hilarious. I've learned to stop crying like everyone else over Alex. He's been missing for 4 years. I miss him but I didn't give up hope like the others. Only me and Angelica believe there is a chance. I mean, that's how she became a Sargent in the first place. I stop thinking of this and pay for the food and go to my car. Before I can open the car up I take out my phone to tell Peggy I'm on my way home. Ever since Alex disappeared we became scared that we might go missing so we now make sure our friends know where we were.

Just as I was going to text Peggy I get a pop up ad. I hate these things. But this ad is different. It says 'Play with us. New York Specials' on the screen. Ew. I know what this. It's child pornography. I should tell Angelica but I feel like its none of my business.

I try to find the x button but then I realize that this ad makes you scroll down to the x button.

I annoyingly scroll down until I see words.

"And finally our very best boy"

What is this? I thought...... oh poor kids. Angelica told me what this is since she worked a few cases that all failed or went cold. Sex Trafficking. I now feel bad but still don't want to bud my head into this mess.


Huh. That's the name I gave Alex when we started dating. Just as I get to the x button I see a boy that looks 19 half naked on a bed with tear stained cheeks. I wouldn't look at this but he seems familiar. He has long red curly hair and a nose I could swear looked like Alexander's.


That's...........that is Alexander.

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