The Change

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Author's Note: I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. This'll be my first fanfiction I've written that wasnt truth or dare or in the form that my truth or dare story is written in. Please forgive me if this story is awful.

Jack's POV:

Ratchet's gonna scold us for sneaking into the portal to this battle and if mom finds out I'm so grounded. Why did Miko have to run into the portal again?

Miko was acting strange. She said that she was fine with not being allowed to go on the battlefield and watch an epic face off. Sometrhing was up. When all the bots went into the portal, Miko ran in after them. "Miko! Ugh! Raph, stay here and make sure that Jackie doesnt destroy the base when he gets back!" I said to Raph and ran off to retrieve Miko. "Jack!" Raph called after.
Flashback Over

"Jack! Come on! I wanna get a better view!" Miko called out, waving me to a higher hillside in the jungle we took shelter in.
"Miko we have to stay quiet!" I called out seriously. I heard a loud scream that sounded much like a little girl. Miko and I turned towards the sound to see Starscream running from Bumblebee like a scared child. Miko began to laugh, tears streaming from her eyes from too much laughter. I was having a bit of trouble trying to hold in my snickering as well. Just then a huge Vehicon was thrown and about to land us.

"Miko! Run!" I yelled grabbing her arm and running deeper into the jungle. The unconscious Vehicon slid toward us. I panted gasping for air. A few seconds later Miko was skipping over to a big metal machine.
"Hey Jack! What is this thing? Think this is what sent the signal? What do you think it does? I'm gonna touch it!" Miko spoke quickly with excitement.

My eyes went wide in amazement at how fast she could talk after gasping for air less than 2 seconds ago.
"First of all, slow down. Also, are you crazy?! No you cant touch that thing! But it probably is what sent the signal." I say with my hand on my chin wearing a thoughtful expression. Miko made a disappointed and sad face like 5 year olds do when they aren't allowed to eat candy before dinner. I pondered on the machine for a few moments but next thing I know I hear a beep and a blue light is beginning to emit from the large cube like thing, Miko pulling her hand away from it. Its almost as if she had just-

"Miko! I told you not to touch that!" I said sternly, not letting my fear show through. "I didnt mean to turn it on!" She said defensively. I run to her and grab her arm again, running off to a large rock, the light glowing even more. "Quickly! Behind the rock!" I say practically throwing her behind the rock, running behind it as well. The blinding light then creates a wave of light in all directions, creating kind of a tremor.

After about 3 seconds the light dissapeared and the object was gone. We started to walk towards the broken trees where the Vehicon crashed. We saw not a con but... A human?!? My mouth dropped. Miko ran up to the adult male drooling in his sleep. Gross. Miko slapped the man in the face, causing him to stir in his sleep.

"Miko! Quit it!" I said sternly. I looked out onto the battlefield to see many sleeping humans. We both ran out into the battlefield. The first person we noticed was a particularly scrawny man in grey and black, a red stripe in the middle of his black hair with grey highlights. "Starscream?" I said knowing it was the cowardly mech. He stirred slightly and began to suck his thumb in his sleep. I try to hold in my laughter, letting out a few snickers. Miko begins to roll on the ground clutchhing her stomach laughing her butt off.

"Miko quiet down!" I say laughing quietly. "Alright alright but I'm SO taking a video!" Miko says recording the thumb sucking adult. After a minute of searching we found Bulkhead. He was dark skinned, had black hair, and wearing green camo army attire. Miko began to shake the bulky 30 year old. "Bulk! Wake up!" She whisper yelled into his ear. Bulkhead's bright blue eyes began to open slowly.

"Miko? Why are you so big now?" He said sleepily. "Um... Bulkhead, we didn't get bigger. You got smaller." I say slowly. Bulkhead's eyes went so wide I swear they were gonna pop out. He quickly stood up almost falling due to not being used to being human. He looks at his body and then the bodies surrounding him.

Miko calls Raph to get a ground bridge after we found Optimus and the others. "What's up Miko? Are you guys alright?" We heard Raf say on the phone. "Hey there ya little wrecker. Is everything going well?" Wheeljack says in the background. "We need a ground bridge. Like, now." Miko says unpolitely. "No problem Miko!" Raph says quickly. Not a second later a ground bridge opens up and

Wheeljack is walking through. "What in the all spark?!" Wheeljack says shocked when he sees the human bodies and a bunch of more colorful sleeping humans next to Miko, Bulkhead and I. "Lets just get them through the portal..." Bulkhead says simply.

Wheeljack carries Arcee, Rachet, Optimus, and Smokescreen like babies in his arms. It makes me grin for a few seconds. Bulkhead is holding Bee with one arm holding him to his side. We all walk through the portal. When we get to the other side, Bulkhead's face becomes slightly flushed. "I feel like I'm gonna hurl..." He says quietly.

Raph looks at us with an open jaw. "Don't ask." I said plainly. "But I did get a hilarious video of Screamer!" Miko says giggling.

Author's Note: I'm so sorry that this chapter was so big. I couldn't make it smaller... Thanks for reading this 1000 word story! Bye!

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