Will He Survive? - Part 3

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Ratchet's POV:

As soon as I saw Optimus' body, I panicked. I quickly hooked him up to life support machines as June checked his vitals.

The others tried to watch and I growled. "Everyone out except for June!" I roared. Everyone left as I turned back to Optimus. "He has 3° burns. Stay here while I go to the kitchen and get burn cream." She said sternly as she left. As soon as she left he flat lined.

"No no no!" I exclaimed. I then remembered what humans call CPR. I pushed down on his chest the right amount and it didn't work. I then put my mouth to his and blew. His chest rose slightly and his flat line went back to normal. I released a breath in relief, but the my eyes widened in realization. I just kissed Optimus!

June came back in and applied the burn cream which seemed to sooth Optimus for his face relaxed. He grinned softly which made me smile. June and I did all we could, but I worried desparetly for my dearest friend.

June and I finally finished and opened the door. The others looked expectantly at us. Especially Bumblebee. Oh Bumblebee... I could've done better... "We... Did all we could..." I mumbled as I looked to my feet. Bumblebee hugged me and I hugged back. "We know you did... You always do..." He stated smiling, making me smile.

We all heard a groan and turned around to see Optimus try to get up. I grinned and quickly but gently pinned him down to the table. "No Optimus. You are not to leave this berth until June and I say you can." I scolded chuckling. He pouted slightly with made me laugh more.

"He's gonna be ok." June stated, and the others softly cheered. I grinned and looked at Optimus, and he looked at me, a new emotion in his eyes. What is it?

"Thank... You... Sweet... Spark..." He mumbled a whisper so only I could here, then he passed out. I stared at him shocked, but then grinned softly. "Your welcome... My dearest Orion..." I whispered. Everyone eventually went to bed as I stayed with Optimus.

A/N: Sorry this chapter's so short, but I wanted it to be simple and sweet. Thx so much for your support everyone!

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