Will He Survive? - Part 1

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It was a normal day at the base. While I'm pleased with the fact that the others are having fun, especially Bumblebee and Smokescreen, I have begun to get more nervous about why the Decepticons have gone quiet. Why haven't the Decepticons taken action? What were they planning? Would it devastate the safety of Earth? Would it offline someone in my family? I thought as I glanced at my family playing some kind of tackle tag. I smiled at them.

Ratchet, as usual, was working on trying to find relic that transformed both the Decepticons and us. I sighed and walked over to him with a smile. I put my hand on his shoulder and he jumped slightly. I tried not to chuckle. He sighed angrily and exasperated.

"Optimus! I'm TRYING to get some work done! It would help if you didnt sneak up on me!" He complained, quiet cutely if I may add.
"You must relax for a bit Ratchet." I stated calmly. He sighed again, as I tried not to roll my opti-um-eyes at him.
"Optimus I-" He began, but the alarms went off. Ratchet found the location of the relic.

I was kinda angry that he found it cause then I had to go on a mission instead of be with him. "We must retrieve the relic that transformed us into our now human forms. We must return to our normal bodies. Autobots, roll out!" I rallied. We all ran through the bridge, and I now felt like purging my tanks.

We began walking through a canyon in the American state called Arizona, known as "The Grand Canyon". We began to get close to the signal, but we heard screams and cries. We all looked at each other and ran towards the chaos. There was fire everywhere as the citizens screamed and ran away from the fire. We then noticed men with guns, explosives, and lighters... All wearing shirts with the Decepticon symbol.

"Autobots! Decepticons, attack!" I heard the familiar voice of Megatron sound. "Autobots! We must bring the Decepticons in custody and retrieve the relic!" I exclaimed. We ran towards the cons and fought. I began to face off with my arch 'Nemesis' (Get the pun?), and lost friend, Megatron.

"You cannot win this battle, Prime!" Megatron yelled triumphantly, smirking like Unicron. "We shall see. One shall stand!" I exclaimed as I punched his face so hard he stumbled back. He glared at me as he venomously spit out "And one shall fall!"

We both drew out our guns and fought hand to hand combat. I heard a crack as I punched his nose, and I shot him in legs and arms. I took out my knifr and trusted it into his chest. He roared in pain as his body began to bleed. I pulled my knife out of his chest and held it across his neck. "We don't have to fight. Please Megatron, just agree to have peace, and allow a truce to end this death and destruction known as war!" I pleaded.

He coughed and sighed. "Fine..." He muttered hatefully. I made a confused expression as I let go of him and stood in front of him. "Really?" I asked. He then smirked maliciously and I gasped as I felt a sharp object enter my stomach. My eyes wide, I looked down to see Megatron's knife stabbed into my gut, blood staining the white shirt I wore.

"Never trust a Decepticon Optimus." Megatron sneared. He twisted the knife and ripped it out, causing me to roar in pain. He grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me into the burning blaze. "OPTIMUS! NO!" Was the last thing I heard before everything went black, as I was engulfed by the flames.

Hey guys! Thx so much for supporting me and reading my newest, and most popular book. Almost 1,000 reads?! Thats insane for me! It means so much to me, and I can't thank you enough. Shout out to Arya_Skye for helping me make this awesome chapter. Will Optimus survive? Keep reading to find out! FanGirl, out!

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