Decepticons: Human Music Is... Ok?

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Soundwave's POV:

I sat working on the computer, now using the tendrils I still had. I finished my work and started to get bored. No one was looking and I went to the human website called Google.

I was about to type 'meaning of wtf'. Starscream had walked down the hall the other day and I tripped him on purpose. He said WTF. I typed M but the first thing that came up was music. I clicked on it.

The first thing that came up was different genre's of human music. Rock, country, pop, techno, etc. I looked at the techno and clicked on it. A list of human music popped up and I clicked on one called Right Round by Flo Rida.

I really liked it, and tapped my foot to it. I heard the door open and O turned around quickly to see Megatron and Starscream coming in. "Soundwave, what is this noise?" He asked. He tapped his foot 2 but then stopped before anyone realized.

"Its called... Music." I said using a tape player. He nodded. "I kind of like it." He said eventually. Starscream was tapping his foot as well. Whelp, looks like there is both something that all the cons can agree on, and that there is things on earth worth enjoying.

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