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Starscream's POV:

I groaned as I slowly opened my optics. I tried to run a mental scan if my overall systems but nothing happened. I slowly stood up still groaning slightly from helm ache. I put a hand on my helm. "Ugh... Why is everything so small?" I asked myself. When my servo touched my helm my optics went wide with confusion and shock. I felt hair?!?!? I ran over to the pond right next to me and looked at my reflection. I was a human flesh bag!

I screamed a manly scream... Surprisingly... And then I turned around quickly noticing the waking bodies, all of them human.

Megatron's POV:

My optics shot open when I heard Starscream's cry of shock. I growled. "STARSCREAM!" I yelled out of natural instinct and habit. I then looked around and noticed how big everythung now was and that my army was full of humans! I then looked at my servos and found them to be human hands, as well as the rest of my body. I even had hair. Gross.

Soundwave woke up and rose to stand next to me. He wore black shades, combed black hair with purple highlights, and a weird black and purple jacket with long sleeves and a tail. He wore black dress pants with black dress boots. He wore a grey shirt underneath the jacket with a purple decepticon symbol with TIC underneath in decepticon lettering. He had pale skin as did everyone on the battle field I could see.

A little boy about 4 or 5 human years next to him looked the exact same which I concluded was Lazerbeak.

Starscream walked up to us slowly, glaring at everyone on the battle field, dreading having to be seen like this. I'm sure that all of us are hating this horror. Starscream had black slicked and combed hair with purple highlights and grey tips. He was extremely small compared to the rest of us. He wore a grey jean jacket with purple details, the same under shirt as Soundwave but with SIC. He wore grey skinny jeans and long grey and black boots with high heels. He was the palest of the three of us.

I then heard a loud shriek from the one and only Knockout. "AHH! MY BEAUTIFUL FRAME! ITS GONE! THIS HIDEOUS HUMAN FORM HAS ABDUCTED MY AMAZING FRAME!!!" He roared across the field. I rolled my opti-... Eyes... I growled at my humanity.

Knockout had dyed bright red hair that was slicked back. He was slightly shorter than Starscream, as he always was. He wore a bright red suit with a red tie, a white shirt underneath with a purple decepticon symbol the word Medic in decepticon underneath. He wore shining black dress shoes. His pale figure was beginning to agrivate my eyes.

I wasn't surprised to see that we all still bore our burning red optics. I growled again. Soundwave was luckily still able to contact the Nemesis and we boarded out ship, me walking strong as I always did into the ship.

I frowned deeply, as the thought crossed my mind of being stuck like this for a while. Looks like we'll have to get used to this... For now...

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