What the-?! IM HUMAN!!!

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Jack's POV:

After rolling my eyes at Miko with a smile for showing Starscream's thumb sucking on the big screen, I started to hear a groan like I do in the mornings when mom tries to get me up. I look over at the medical berth's, my eyes open wide as I see Optimus slowly get up tiredly.

"Ugh... Ratchet? Arcee? Bumblebee? Is everyone all right?" Optimus says extremely sleepy looking out to the main area, not yet noticing his humanity and the others new form. He looks over at us and notices how much larger we looked now.

Optimus's POV:

I looked at the kids and noticed how much larger they were. "Kids, what happened? How did you get so large?" I asked slowly, still tired. Did I not have enough recharge or something? Why aren't any of my scans functioning?

"Um... Optimus. We didn't get bigger." Raph said quietly. "You got MEGA smaller." Miko says in an alarming way. What does she mean smaller? I look at my frame and saw not a large blue and red frame, but a muscular human body. "Gah! What by Micronous?!?!?" I hear a familiar voice sat alarmed. I turn toward an orange and white human that seemed to be Ratchet.

"Optimus? Is that you? Why are we all humans?!?" Ratchet spoke loudly in a panic. "Calm down old friend. I too do not understand this... Transformation. But we must stay calm." I say in my baritone voice. Ratchet gives me a look that suggests that he is aware of how freaked out I am. Soon all of the others wake up as well. "Wh-What happened?" I heard one of now human bots say. To my surprise, it was Bumblebee. "Bumblebee! You spoke! You spoke Bee!" Smokescreen and Bulkhead chanted together. Arcee and Ratchet stared at Bee with wide eyes in shock.

"My pipes are back! Sweet!" Bee said pumping a fist in the air. I smile at the teen. I then look down and notice how high we were off the ground. I gulped, Ratchet noticing as well. "Its nice to know that Bumblebee's voice box is now functional, but HOW IN CYBERTRON ARE WE GONNA GET DOWN?!" Ratchet yelled, making everyone flinch. "Calm down and put your coolant system on high jack Doc Bot. I got ya." Wheeljack said as he carried us all down. I stood tall noticing how large everything was. I didn't realize how large we were until I saw how tall Wheeljack was compared to the rest of us in our new forms. "Dont call me Doc Bot..." Ratchet muttered.

"Man why am I the youngest! I even have freckles! Come on! I'm not a little kid." Bumblebee complained about his new form. "You were always the youngest Bee!" Arcee said plainly. "We dont look half bad! For humans at least!" Smokescreen said winking. "We may be stuck like this for a while, so we must adjust to human life for the time being." I say without emotion. As usual.

Miko grinned mischeviously. "I know something that'll cheer everyone up!" She exclaimed and turned on the large computer screen. A video of a human that looked much like Starscream appeared on screen. "This is hilarious!" Miko said with the camera on her face. She turned it back to sleeping human Starscream showing him sucking his thumb like a sparkling. Everyone laughed, me snickering. Well, looks like this is our new life for now. Better get used to it.

A/N: That's the end of this chapter! Next chapter is about the cons waking up! I hope you enjoy! Remember that you can comment anything you'd like to see happen. Funny or dramatic, I dont care.

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