No... - Part 1

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     I was fighting Bumblebee and I was losing. How could I lose to a little insect of a scout! I heard a scream and glanced back to see Megatron throw Prime into the fire. The scout cried out as I kicked him in the gut and stood up frantically.

     He punched my nose and a loud crack sounded as a sharp pain went through my face. "AH! You carrier fragger!" I screeched enraged. "You big sparkling" He plainly stated back. I stared at him, unable to form a word. How DARE HE! He ran towards the fire as I turned to see Megatron walk through a portal bleeding excessively. Oh no...

     I couldn't control the worried expression that came to my face for about 5 seconds and then I quickly went back to my normal scowl. I ran towards a boulder where there wasn't any fighting and hid behind it.

     I pulled out my communications unit and contacted radio wave $₩50μГ¤|. "Soundwave, come in NOW! Bridge me back to the Nemesis." I commanded urgently. A bridge appeared in front of me as a last bullet whizzed past my broken face.

     I turned my thruster heels on and zoomed through the portal. As soon as I was in I ran to the Med Bay, worried for some unknown reason... I walked through the door as calmly as possible and saw Megatron on the berth, Knockout desperately working on him.

"KNOCKOUT! How is he? Is it fatal?! Talk to me you lousy medic!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up Starscream! I'm in the middle of a DELICATE procedure. One wrong move, and he will perish!" He stated angrily. My eyes widened and I went silent. I looked at Megatron and felt all the blood in my face drain.

His arms were burnt, cuts and bruises all over. His entire body was pale, and there were gun shots all over his arms and legs. My spark stopped when I finally saw his chest. A bleeding hole in his chest looked like it was getting infected, and it bled out quickly. A cut was bleeding excessively on his neck as well.

I felt the need to cry and rage, but I held back. "He needs blood!" Knockout exclaimed. "We need AB- blood right now." He stated. I then remembered the computer record Knockout had of the army's blood types. I was the only other AB-.

I furrowed my brows as I fought with myself. This is my chance to become the rightful leader of the Decepticons! But... Megatron would be no more... I growled and ran to the other berth next to Megatron's and hooked myself myself up to the blood bag. "Do it." I  roared.

"But Starscream, he will need a LOT of blood! Possibly all of yours!" Knockout exclaimed. I didn't listen. "DO IT YA FRAGGING GLITCH!" I screamed. He looked taken aback but went to work.

I jumped when a needle shot into my arm. Primus I HATE needles! I then felt woozy as the blood was drained from my body. Megatron's vitals then began to level out... Though mine began to slow...

"I'll... Survive... This... We both... Will..." I mumbled as the world went black.

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