battle 1

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I woke up to see that Ocelot was getting dressed "Where are you going without me ?" I asked him . "Volgin asked for me , if possible I do not want him near you ..." he responded .
"Understandable " I said while slowly getting it of bed and grabbing my clothes . I hurried to catch up with Ocelot even though he didn't want me and Volgin in the same room. Ocelot *sigh* "you're so stubborn, you wanna come with because of what exactly?" He asked .
"I know what I'm doing , I won't intervene with anything .." I answered him while rolling my eyes. "Fine fine " Ocelot spoke slightly annoyed by the fact I came along . We both entered the room ... "We got news that someone stole C3 explosives and we all know who got it don't we " Volgin spoke . *radio cracks* Colonel there's a report that there are c3 explosives getting placed around the Shagohod , you should come over ASAP!" . Ocelot and I gave each other a knowing look , that could mean one thing .. SNAKE! . Ocelot , me and Volgin got as fast as we can to the Shagohod . As we got there the boss got in with an unconscious Tatyana ,"I found her snooping around with something important .. I'll explain later"
The Boss layed her down and walked away , Ocelot and I looked both at Tatyana ..."SNAKE" Volgin yelled and Ocelot and I turned around to see snake trying to sneak out , he turned around after Volgin yelled but suddenly the Boss CQCed Snake to the ground disarming him . Snake got back up and tried to fight The Boss again , failing to win the fight he landed back on the ground . Suddenly Ocelot walked up to him pointing his SAA to snake, snake slowly got up without causing trouble . Volgin started to tell they found Tatyana snooping around with the Philosophers legacy with her . Ocelot spoke " the smell gave her away , not the perfume but the gasoline ... motorcycle gasoline". Volgin then destroyed the radio Tatyana used to contact snake with . Then I looked with a worried face to Ocelot but he didn't quiet understand why I looked that way until Bolgin started to kick Tatyana in the stomach. Snake wanted to stop him but couldn't , then Tatyana tried to attack Volgin but he was too quick and he stopped her lifting her up and gave her an electric shock after that Volgin kicked her again.

*time skip , Volgin explaining The philosophers legacy *

Volgin handed the Philosophers Legacy over to The Boss , The Boss also took Tatyana away .
When the boss yanked Tatyana up she whispered "leave everything to me " and started to walk away " fight like a warrior Volgin" she spoke before she was completely gone . The Boss gave a last look toward Ocelot and both nodded to each other. Then The Boss was gone. Ocelot pushed Snake a little away from him " Let me face him ! I've been waiting for this moment " *starts spinning guns*.
As soon as Ocelot had both his revolvers pointed towards Snake , Snake got back into his CQC stance ." Ah ah ah no more judo and no more field strips" Ocelot spoke . "ENOUGH OF THIS" Volgin said and took his gloves off .
"he's MINE , you will stand right there and watch " he pointed to where I was standing .
Ocelot:"please colonel ...let me" "SILENCE " Volgin's voice boomed through the room.
I saw how annoyed Ocelot was by now and he snarled towards Volgin , taking his first revolver out pointing it at snake , then he took his second revolver out and pointed it at Volgin . Volgin took a bullet out of his pocket and heated it with his electricity, shooting the bullet towards Ocelots feet . I kept watching , knowing that I couldn't mess up the timeline and I promised Ocelot that I wouldn't intervene . Ocelot backed up towards me and lowered his revolvers . Volgin then shot his electricity toward a pillar making a part of the platform decent and it formed an small arena .
Ocelot and I looking both stunned by the fact that was even possible . "This is a once in a lifetime battle , let's make it a good one " Volgin spoke and then burned away his military uniform to reveal his battle clothes , then he jumped down into the arena . "It's just you and me now , I'm gonna enjoy this"Volgin Spoke . Suddenly I saw Ocelot looking toward a gun and knife he had in hand , those belonged to snake , "Snake ! " Ocelot Yelled . He looked at Volgin and then at Snake , throwing the gun and knife to him so he could use it if necessary.
Volgin loaded himself with more electricity "You're mine son of The Boss " Volgin snarled .
They started fighting and I looked in crates nearby for ammo for Snake , "Ocelot ! Throw it to him !" I yelled to Ocelot while throwing the ammo towards Ocelot and he threw it down .
This went on for a little while , suddenly both where out of breath "SHOOT HIM" Volgin ordered Ocelot , but Ocelot simply ignored . "DO YOU HEAR ME ,I SAID SHOOT HIM!"Volgin ordered again . "I'm afraid I can't do that " Ocelot spoke calmly , "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH YOU CAN'T" Volgin snarled again . "I made a promise to The Boss" Ocelot said , "SILENCE, I AM YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER" Volgin shouted and started shooting electricity towards Ocelot but he grabbed his SAA and shooted a few bullets towards different directions around the electricity so that it would only affect the bullets and not get towards him. Then Volgin fell to his knees from exhaustion " ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY AUTHORITY " He said , Ocelot spines his gun and walked over the bridge above the arena , halfway he stopped and turned while pointing his finger at Volgin "Fight like a man Volgin " Ocelot said and Volgin looked up at him completely baffled . "Volgin ? " he Questioned. Then suddenly the radio cracked and there was an emergency announcement , there where explosives Detected and we had to evacuate ASAP . "Ocelot find those bombs , MOVE IT " Volgin ordered . Ocelot declined the order from Volgin , he did his signature movement towards snake , nodded to me and walked away ... I followed him .

I knew Snake was gonna win so I was really calm about that fact , but we still had to evacuate . Everyone was running to the exit and I walked besides Ocelot towards it to . Suddenly Ocelot came to an Halt and turned around and saw snake running , he whispered towards me "he made it out" ," know , he's good isn't he " I said . And I walked further towards the exit , Ocelot looked at me and smiled while shaking his head and walked after me .

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