Chapter 2; Meeting the Men

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    (Told from Ron's point of view)

I didn't know what to expect when Loki told us to pick him up on some dodgy street in London. What I do know is that I didn't expect this.

The car skidded to a halt in the dark London street. It was barren and completely devoid of people, apart from one probably homeless person who was lying on a park bench. He was wearing tight women's clothing with high heels and a revealing top. It seemed like a really strange fashion choice, especially since his hair was long, black and matted.

"Who is that?" My dad asked, his voice teeming with disgust. "Homeless person?"

"Probably." I say. Hermione and Harry were sitting in the seats next to me, waiting for Loki to show up.

"Where'd he say he was going to be?" Dad asks.

"Dunno. Just somewhere on this street." I comment.

Suddenly, the homeless man turned his head toward us, his eyes blinking open. He was still lying in an awkward position, but even with his hair in a mess, those green eyes were unmistakable.

"Oh. Dad... you're not gonna like this... but that's him." I say, frowning at Loki, who still looked dazed.

"Great." Dad says sarcastically. "Drag him in."

Hermione, Harry and I get out of the car and walk over to Loki, who adjusts himself so that he's lying on his back.

"Hey guys... sorry about this... got carried away." He mutters. We help him get to his feet, and he stumbles slightly on his heels.

"What are you wearing?" Hermione asks.

"Got carried away." He repeats. "Down that alleyway." He says, and we help him walk across the street and into the alley.

Hermione walks down the alley and behind the building. "Maybe I wasn't completely sober..." Loki mumbles. "Follow Hermione."

We follow her down the alley and take Loki's trunk and covered carrier out of the dumpster, which is clearly where he chose to hide them. Faint meowing is heard from inside the carrier.

"Surprise!" Loki says loudly. For a second I think he's gone crazy, but then he pulls the cover off of the carrier. a little black and orange kitten sits mewling in the corner.

"Name's Tiger." He says. "Had her this year. It's your baby..." he says, gesturing toward Hermione.

"You're going to have to explain this tomorrow." I tell Loki. "This isn't going to go unnoticed."

"Oh I know!" He says, his voice slightly slurred. "I'll tell you laaate-r-r-rrrr..."

He falls asleep in my arms.

"Weird kid." Harry comments. "The cat's cute though. Do you think he inherited some of Loki's... more prominent traits?" Harry looks over at Loki, who's leaning on me limply.

"He's got good traits and bad traits." I say. "Let's hope they're the good ones."

We enter the car again, and Hermione puts Loki's trunk in the back. She takes the kitten out of the carrier and takes her over to her seat.

"So that's Loki?" Dad asks. "Why was he like that?"

"Dunno. He said he'd tell us later." I explain. Both dad and I look over at him. Loki is lying across the seat, his feet on Harry's lap and his head on Hermione's.

Dad starts the car and we fly off into the air, away from London. When we're out of sight, dad turns to Hermione.

"Is he asleep?" He whispers. Hermione nods. "Good. Ron?"

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