Chapter 4; Sneaky Sneaky

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

Shortly after, Harry, Ron and Hermione walk outside at the same time.

"What the hell?" Ron muttered, his eyes darting around the scene in front of us, which was nothing short of hell.

People were screaming, tents were on fire, and these hooded, masked figures seemed to be causing the chaos.

"Now that's just cruel." I snarl, noticing a muggle woman hanging upside down in the air, revealing voluminous drawers while the hooded figures below hooted with glee.

I had never felt such sympathy for someone, so I ran toward the hooded figure and kicked his back.

The woman fell to the ground, but the masked person did too, and in turn he grabbed my pants and they ripped down one side.

I cursed when he pulled them off, but I grabbed my wand off the ground and ran into the woods, where I could see Harry, Ron and Hermione disappear.

It was completely and utterly dark, but that didn't keep me from ramming straight into Ron's backside.

"Ow!" He yelped, falling to the ground.

"What happened?" I heard Hermione's voice from the darkness. "Where are you? Oh this is stupid— Lumos!"

Her wand lit up, revealing Ron lying on the ground.

"Just... got pushed over by—" he turns around to face me, but his eyes go wide. "What the bloody hell happened to you?"

Both Harry and Hermione turn toward me, and I look down at my pants— or at least, where my pants used to be. What was left was a pair of green boxers with little golden helmets on them.

"I saved someone else's pride in exchange for my own." I say, feeling my face go completely red.

"Well well well, fancy seeing you here." A drawling voice says behind us.

Hermione turns her wand, which illuminates Draco Malfoy's face, who's standing against a tree looking perfectly content and relaxed. Apparently it also made my legs more illuminated, because Malfoy's eyes go as big as saucers and he falls to the ground, laughing.

"Oh, real mature. You know it was one of your masked friends who pulled them off." I snarl. "Goddammit you guys, you don't have any extra pants?"

"Couldn't you just conjure some?" Ron asks.

"Do you want me completely naked? Because if I'm not lucky again that's what you'll get."

Ron's face went red.

"Aren't you chilly?" Malfoy gasps, getting off the ground.

"No, I'm not. And you saw why, Draco, you're just too utterly simple minded that I'm not surprised you don't know."

Malfoy got to his feet and nearly started laughing again. "You know, it's really hard to take you serious with those on right now."

I pinched the boxers. "Do you want them off?"

Malfoy's face went beet red. "No— I— not— that's not what I— I didn't— no—"

I laughed. "Shush."

Malfoy took a deep breath, and then regained his confident composure. "Anyways... you better run. They're after both you and Hermione. And I don't think we want another person showing off their knickers..."

I rolled my eyes. "Well then... we better be off."

"I agree." Hermione scowled, leading us away.

Loki Laufeyson and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now