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I must have fallen asleep because I woke up still on Kyle's bed, and found myself wrapped up in an insanely soft blanket with a cat pattern on it.

I laughed at the cats (predictable, Kyle, so predictable) and got out of bed.

I walked out and found Kyle on the couch watching TV with a big bowl of cereal on his lap.

"Want some?" he asked, gesturing towards the cereal.

"No thanks," I shook my head and walked over, sitting on the couch.

"Well you have to eat something," he said whilst shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. I just shrugged in reply.

"Well," he continued, taking his bowl over to the dishwasher, "here, at my place, you eat." He got out another bowl from a cupboard and fixed a bowl of cereal, coming back over and handing it to me.

"Thanks," I replied simply. I slowly ate the cereal. It tasted so good. I never knew cereal could taste so good, but I couldn't remember the last time I had had not stale, sugary, and flavorful cereal.

I ended up scarfing down the bowl in less than three minutes.

"Impressive," Kyle laughed. I blushed. He had been watching me stuff my face. Adorable.

I went over and put the bowl in the dishwasher. I came back over and sat next to Kyle.

"So..." I started, "how does this work?"

He raised an eyebrow. "How does what work?"

"This," I gestured with my hands."Me being here. I mean..." I shrugged, not knowing how to word what I was thinking.

"We'll just go with the flow," he said simply.

"Do I go to school?" I asked.

"No," he stared hard at the TV.

"That's... illegal isn't it?"

He just shrugged. I mean, I wasn't complaining. I just didn't want to get Kyle into trouble. I didn't mind dropping out of school, I would be graduating that year though so I would be missing out on that.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I jumped slightly as Kyle confidently jogged to the door, swinging it right open.

"How's it goin', mate?" I heard him yell excitedly.

"Hey!" I heard another male voice.

I cowered in the corner of the couch as Kyle walked back in, being followed by a guy barely shorter than him, but the height of his hair made up for the height difference. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black wolf t-shirt, and a grey hoodie.

Oh, well hello, Dan freaking Smith.

And of course, I probably looked like I was on eight different kinds of drugs and hadn't slept in five months.

"Hello," Dan said to me, a look of confusion on his face.

"Hey," I looked up shyly.

"Dan, this is Jessalyn, Jessalyn, this is Dan," Kyle introduced us.

"Hello again," he smiled and came over to shake my hand. He held my hand firmly as I shook it.

Kyle plopped back down on the couch next to me, and Dan sat down next to him. They began chatting away. I zoned them out and watched the TV.

They had left to another room eventually, and I heard music blaring from it. I could tell they were trying new things. Kyle would play a few notes on the keyboard and then they'd stop and chat about it for awhile. A few hours later Dan was finally leaving.

"Bye," he smiled at me.

"See ya," I smiled back. And I would be seeing him around if I was going to be staying with Kyle.

Kyle walked to the door with him. I heard them talk in hushed tones and leaned forward to hear what they were saying.

"Who is she?" Dan whispered.

"My new... flat mate?" Kyle searched for words.

"Flat mate?" Dan questioned.

Kyle sighed. "I met her about a month ago and, I don't know, her life, to be honest, kind of sucks and I just have this weird need to protect her and something happened last night at her home so I took her here and I don't want her to leave."

"You just took her away from home and plan to keep her here?" Dan sounded a bit shocked.

"Well she certainly can't go back to that hell. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'home'," Kyle replied.

"What if her parents go to the police looking for her?" Dan asked.

"I haven't thought about that yet. We'll just see what happenens. Anyway, I'll see you later mate, take care."

"See you 'round, Kyle," Dan said.

I heard the door shut and Kyle sighed, coming back to sit by me on the couch again.

"Want to watch anything on TV?" Kyle asked.

"Um, yeah," I said, reaching over him to grab the remote. I flipped through channels and found one that was playing Doctor Who. Doctor Who made me feel a bit better.

A little while into the episode I realized I was leaning on Kyle, my head almost in his lap. I suddenly felt embarrassed but then realized I was too comfortable to care.

I fell asleep again with my head in Kyle's lap.

Highest Fall You'll Ever Grace •a bastille fanfic•Where stories live. Discover now