The purple Dragons Companions

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Spyro and his friends were….very suspicious of Spyro. They could never recall Spyro ever having a obsession for pancakes.

He's been acting weird lately. He's been in his room a lot more than usual and he doesn't seem to want anyone entering his room at all. He definitely was hiding something. This had to be it.

“Spyro, what are you hiding?” Stealth Elf crosses his arms at Spyro.

“What? Nothing! Why, do you think I'm hiding something?”

“Actually, I don't think your hiding something. I know your hiding something.”

“T-That's ridiculous!” Spyro laughed nervously. Stealth Elf was getting onto him.

“Seriously, what is it? You do realize you can tell me. Weir friends!”

“Yeah, that's right!” Butts in Eruptor.

“Please, tell us Spyro! If something is wrong, we want to help!” Jet Vac added.

All three of his friends was worried and concerned for him. Perhaps he shouldn't hide me from them. Sooner or later, they're bound to find out.

Spyro sighs.

“Fiiiine! But you guys must promise not to tell anyone is that clear?”

“Is it really that bad?” Jet Vac muttered.

“Just promise me ok?” Everyone nods.

“Ok then. Follow me.” Spyro leads everyone into his room. Inside, everyone can see a sky blue colored dragon-- that's me by the way.

I was sleeping on the bed with two blankets dropped over me. I lived blankets, they keep me warm.❤

“Is that a Skylander?!” Everyone shouts completely surprised.

“Yes….I found her washed up by a river past the woods. She was injured, so…”

“Spyro, you could have just taken her to the hospital so she could get better treatment.

Well...if she's hurt badly, that is.” Stealth Elf mentions.

“Yeah...she is hurt pretty badly. But….you know, your right. Instead of keeping this all a secret, let's just take her.” Spyro decides.

He nudges his head onto my face, in an attempt to wake me.

“Hey wake up! Weir going to give you better treatment at the hospital.”

I wake up and yawn.

“Better treatment….? At the…. hospital?” I blinked my eyes a couple times, starting to wake up. But right when I fully woken up and realized what Spyro said…


I hid under my blankets.

“Does she not like hospitals?” Asked Jet Vac.

“I'm guessing not.” Answers Eruptor.

“C-Come on, it's not so bad! The nurses there are really nice!” Spyro reassures me that it will be alright young there.

“B-But….are there shots? Are they going to ask me weird questions?”

“.... Probably not?” Slurred Spyro, not so sure how to respond to that. I sighed but decided to come out and attempt to go with Spyro to the hospital. But then I noticed his friends.

“Oh, these are my friends. This is Stealth Elf, that's Eruptor, and here is Jet Vac.” Spyro introduced me to his friends.

“Hey!” Greets Stealth Elf.

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