The Sky Blue Dragon From Long Ago

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"What?! Kiyomi's been kidnapped?!" Bursted out Spyro in both shock and disbelief

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"What?! Kiyomi's been kidnapped?!" Bursted out Spyro in both shock and disbelief. "That's right...and we couldn't do anything to save her, they got away too fast." Gill Grunt explains the situation sadly to Spyro and his friends.

"Well we got to save her!" The dragon burst out without another thought. "But Spyro, we have no idea where Kaos could be! He could have taken her anywhere!" Points out Stealth Elf.

"She's right." Agrees Jet Vac. Spyro groans quite loudly in response. "I know-- I Know we have no idea where she is! But we got to try! She's our friend-- and getting each other out of trouble is what friends do!"

"Spyro is right." Nods Erruptor. "We may have no idea where Kaos could have taken Kiyomi, but we have to at least try and search! I know if something like this were to happen to one of us, she would have done the exact same thing!"

After a but if debating over everyone's next course of action, both Team Spyro and Team Kiyomi decides to search for their Abducted friend and to rescue her. It's what friends do. And never does friends ever leave the other behind.


At the moment I was currently sitting behind bars in a small cell underground, inside Kaos's cell. It was quite cold and depressing down here...but no matter what I did, I couldn't seem to be able to break out of this cell...

"Look, I'm sorry. I know your really unhappy right now but you left us no choice! You were being very....erm, difficult on us, and we didn't have a choice but to keep you in here." I can hear Glumshanks voice.

I look over and can see him in the cell room, cleaning the dusty floor with a old beaten out broom. "Does this place ever get clean down here?" I asked, not really trying to sound rude, but was just curious.

", not really." Glumshanks asmits. "But because your stuck down here, Master Kaos wants it to look nice down here."

"Does Master Kaos always treat you so poorly?" I Question. So far it has seemed that Kaos always treats Glumshanks as his own personal slave.

To answer my question, Glumshanks chuckles and replies, "Master Kaos isn't as bad as he seems."


"But anyways, I can tell you why Master Kaos wants you so badly if you'd like." Offers Glumshanks. "Since,'s gotta be boring just sitting in silence in that cell of yours."

"Yes, please!!" I lunge towards the cell bars, desperate for answers. Seeing how I was indeed interested, Glumshanks slowly tells me the story.

"You see, there is a legend. The legend goes that there was once a sky blue dragon like yourself, who was once the most strongest, wisest, and fearless dragon of them all. The dragon had a pure heart of gold-- more than any of the treasures she had stored in her cave, she cared for the lives of everyone living in Skylands. She would share her treasures with everyone, she would keep wild Chompies and any kind d of threat out of Skylands, and she would share her food with everyone. Everyone in Skylands admired, respected, and looked up to this selfless dragon. But one day...her heart had changed. Something had happened to cause her heart to turn black. She no longer cared about Skylands or its citizens. Hate and darkness was the only thing left inside her soul. She attacked Skylands in an attempt to destroy everything she once loved. But Master Eon, would not let her have her way. He used an powerful magic spell to seal the dragon away in a forest, crystalized in a large crystal for thousands of years. Countless of years, she slept. And that leads to now. We found you sleeping in your crystal, frozen from the past. Master Kaos uses a special magic spell, known by only himself and Master Eon to unmelt you out of your crystal. And now, here you are."

"Wait.....WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!?! I-IS THAT TRUE?!?! A-Am I....that same dragon from that legend?!" I was in complete Disbelief and shock. I was at a complete loss for words. That supposed to be me?

"Yep, that same dragon is supposed to be you from what Master Kaos says." Answers Glumshanks.

"B-But if this story is from around a thousand years is Master Eon and Kaos still alive...?"

"Well....they aren't normal humans. They are special individuals born from light and darkness. For a long time, Master Eon believed there to be no darkness at all. There is a prophecy that when Skylands had two rulers born, one would be born from the light, and the other darkness. Master Eon believed the prophecy to be wrong. He believed that there was no darkness that existed inside himself or Kaos. But that was where he was wrong. Darkness existed in Kaos. So Master Eon was born from the light, and Kaos from the darkness."

"But that still doesn't explain how they are still alive!!" I bursted out. "Oh, right. They are special individuals born from light and darkness. Their human lifespan is much longer than normal humans." Glumshanks explained some more.

"Are they Gods...?"

"Nope, not Gods."

"Oh okay..."

Suddenly the door swings open and slams. coming through the door was Kaos! And he didn't look very happy.... "Glumshanks, how could you?! You weren't supposed to tell her any of this!!"

"I-I'm sorry sir, but it was the least I could do since she was trapped in here!"

Kaos groans loudly, indicating that he was greatly annoyed, before approaching my Cell and saying...

"Are you ready?"

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