Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Roman woke up sweating and her hair standing on edge. It was still early morning, there was the sun barely peeking over the horizon to wake up New York's population. Roman got up and her legs nearly gave out. Her entire body was in pain and she craved, no needed those pills. She could feel Hellfire under the surface of her skin trying to escape. There was a knock on her door and she hesitantly opened it wondering who it could have been considering it was such early morning.

"Your emotions are screaming right now what is going on." Loki said his hair a mess like he had just woken up he was also shirtless.

"Just my body killing me." Roman muttered bitterly letting him shuffle into her room.

"What do you mean?" Loki asked looking more awake.

"Stark wont let me take my repressants, he says they're damaging my brain when I take it. Plus it puts a strain on my body with each pill" Roman explained and then got an idea, "hey, can you conjure me up some of the pills so I can rest easy." Roman said approaching Loki getting to close and biting her lip looking up at those emerald orbs.

"I'm afraid that if these drugs are hurting up I'm not giving you them willingly." Loki said and Roman frowned.

"Pretty please?" Roman said doing anything to get these drugs.

"Why are you so afraid of the person you keep under the pills." Loki asked teleporting behind Roman making her turn around. "A little hypocritical isn't it?"

"Hellfire is bad." Roman muttered and went to her fridge, she wound feel herself heating up as she spoke.

"Hellfire? As in the woman in your dreams?" Loki asked utterly confused looking at Roman.

"Well I guess we'll have to see." Roman said her stomach turning. She grabbed the trash can and threw up her stomach acid into it, the burning of her throat and the smell of it utterly disgusting.

"Let me." Loki said snapping his fingers and suddenly the trash can was replaced with another one and Romans hair was pulled into a loose ponytail. "Your skipping out on breakfast?"

"Stark locked me in my room, I step outside I get electrocuted." Roman said sounding sarcastically overjoyed.

"I'll bring you some food then." Loki said dragging Roman to the couch and turning on Netflix, he turned on a romance comedy which was her favorite genre. Roman was burning by the time the movie ended.

"I'll be going to breakfast, I'll save you a pancake." Loki said and Roman nodded. He left the room and Roman suppressed a groan.

Roman went to the bathroom and just turned on the cold water and stepped in. She could still feel the cold against her skin but in an instant the water touched her skin it was warm, running off her skin. She could feel Hellfire pushing against her mind trying to break free. She nearly screamed from the amount of force being exerted against her own will.

"Loki for Christ sake." Roman groaned and suddenly he was behind her.

"What is it." Loki asked looking extremely worried.

"Does Stark have a containment room for prisoners or something?" Roman asked, that was her only option.

"Yes its the sub basement." Loki said resting his hand on her shoulder and then pulling it away the instant they touched. "Your burning up, you need to get to Banner!" Loki said and Roman sighed.

"Loki listen to me when I say I need to get to the containment room. Please just listen me." Roman almost begged and Looking nodded hesitantly.

"Alright I agree." Loki said holding her and his face warped into one of pain as he had to hold onto her. Suddenly she was in a container and Loki was outside. Electrical currents flowed through her skin.

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