Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
They only found a hundred people out of the thousands that survived. Loki had giving them homework which was a very long list of books and told them to practice. Thor thanked his brother by taking him out to get sushi from some shop in Norway. "How are you going to pay for this because Thor has eaten almost hundreds of dollars worth if sushi." Roman asked looking to Thor who only smiled and ate more.

"I have my tricks." Loki said a credit card appearing in his hands.

"Is that Starks?" Thor chimed with a mouth full of food.

"Not that I know if that's a completely new card." Roman said smirking. "Whose card did you steal."

"Actually it's my own card but with fake money." Loki said smirking and Roman laughed.

"That's not surprising brother. He was always miss mischievous as a child. Always playing pranks." Thor said chuckling and Loki glared at him. "As a small child I had always loved snakes and I saw this beautiful snake so I picked it up. Then it went yahhh and bit me in the hand." Thor said showing her two small dots that were clear even though the dirt of his hands.

"Please illusions have always been my strong suit." Loki said suddenly taking the form of a snake and slithering along the table.

Thor tried to touch him but Roman slapped his hands away. "Just saying he'll bite you." Roman said teasingly as Loki fell onto the bench and shifted back to his original form.

"I would have." Loki chuckled taking more sushi. "We'd like to close our tab now." Loki said handing the waitress the credit card.

She came back and handed him the card with a smile on her face and the receipt. Loki snatched it and looked at the total. "You just spent four hundred and fifty five dollars and sixteen cents on sushi between the three of us."

"Not surprising the way Thor eats the boar." Loki said frowning as Thor smiled.

"Ah this is not half of what I would eat on Asgard." Thor said with a smirk.

"Right the great feasts that the royals had." Roman said nodding.

"I was never a fan of them really." Loki said shaking his head and getting up.

"You enjoyed them when you where with Charles." Thor said and Loki slammed his fists into the table and Thor realized what he said. Unwanted eyes were drawn to their table.

"Don't speak to me of him." Loki said almost growling. Roman used the trick he taught her, she rested a hand on his shoulder and a soft green glow flowed onto his body.

"I apologize for that." Thor said and Loki stormed out of the restaurant.

"I'll get him." Roman said rushing after him. "Loki wait!" Roman called grabbing his shoulder.

"Did you see what he did to me?" Loki asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes." Roman said holding him.

"You don't know how embarrassed I was to have my husband fucking a servant the night before our wedding." Loki said venom lacing his voice he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Hey calm down." Roman said walking with him. "You know I was going to get married as well right?" Roman said breaking the dull silence.

"You what?" Loki asked confusion replacing the anger.

"Yep, I was going to marry a guy I meet. Until I found out he was sleeping with my sister." Roman said bitterly and Loki's face softened.

"Maybe it is the god's will to put us together." Loki said tiredly.

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