Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Roman woke up to her on top of Loki, he was asleep and sprawled out across the bed. She didn't even remember going to the bed. Loki wrapped his hands around Romans torso. "Wake up." Roman said and Loki grumbled and only tightened his grip. "Wake up I wanna get ready for our date."

"Okay fine." Loki let Roman go and laid in bed.

Roman casually summoned a black bikini and slipped it on. She pulled on a green shirt and some black pants. She pulled her hair into a tight bun and came back to the took where Loki was dressed casually.

"Anywhere specific love?" Loki asked taking her hands.

"Somewhere sunny." Roman said and Loki chuckled.

"Of course." Loki said and suddenly Roman could feel the sand between her toes and the crisp air of the ocean.

"Oh it's beautiful!" Roman said looking around to the rock formations and the dolphins swimming in the background.

"Not as beautiful as you." Loki teased and Roman out on a small show for him as she stripped. "Wow." Loki rasped trying to keep himself together as Roman slowly ran her hands down her side and pulling off her shirt. She did the same to her pants.

"You do not know how much I want you right now." Loki rasped his hands trailing her body.

"Oh I think I have some clue." Roman said giggling as she jogged to the water and let the waves wash over her feet. The sand being dragged forward with the tide.

"Enjoying yourself?" Loki said joining her now wearing a pair of dark green swim trunks.

"Of course I love the beach." Roman said taking Loki further into the water.

"Well I'm quite glad." Loki said getting knocked back by the waves while Roman jumped with them.

"Did you not have oceans in Asgard." Roman asked watching as Loki got tossed around like a rag doll.

"I'm afraid not we only had the ocean I'm front of us and it was small waves, nothing like this." Loki said going back to shore water pouring from his body. His hair wet and clinging to his back and as water droplets ran down his body shining in the sunlight reminding Roman of crystals.

"Then I'll teach you." Roman said grabbing his hand and holding it. "So when this wave comes forward you have to bounce, it will push you back a bit but not as much as it did before." The wave crashed against them and both Loki and Roman jumped allowing themselves to push further into the Sandy depths.

"This is quite fun." Loki said bouncing with Roman. "I never understood but now I do."

"See aren't you glad you have an amazing girlfriend like me to teach your midgardian customs." Roman said smiling and Loki laughed.

"I thank the God's every night for your existence." Loki said kissing her head distracting her from the oncoming wave. Loki luckily casted a barrier of some sorts so the water didn't hit then it just went over.

"Your so sweet." Roman said smiling and Loki smiled to.

"Food?" Loki asked and Roman giggled.

"Yes please I'm starving." Roman said and she instantly dried off with the help of Hellfire. "Want me to dry you off."

"As long as your careful." Loki said. Roman opened up her hands and you could see the heat coming off of them. She waved them around Loki and focused mainly on the shorts so they would dry to.

"Is that what your hands do?" Loki asked trying to make a joke.

"My hands can do a lot more than this." Roman retorted blowing a kiss to Loki and walking down the beach.

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