Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
"So your really okay with being on your own watching them." Tony asked gesturing to Loki. "Bucky is back in containment if you want to let him go free then you have to watch him."

"Yes, yes mom i'll make sure Loki doesn't burn the tower down and Bucky doesn't kill Loki or me tonight." Roman said mock saluting Tony. "This is such a chaotic good family." Roman sighed and Tony laughed.

"I'll keep you updated so don't worry." Tony said hugging Roman. "I'll be back soon Red." Tony muttered and pulled away. He called the rest of the team and they all went down to the cargo bay and left the tower.

"So what do you suggest we do now?" Loki said his hands trailing to Romans hips.

"Not what your thinking." Roman said giggling and poking his nose. "I was thinking we could just watch a movie. I should also let Bucky roam around but lock him out of the basements and the upper levels." Roman said and Loki nodded.

"Don't worry about Bucky it could just be us." Loki said pulling her into his lap.

"I would feel bad for him if he was locked in there all day. I mean I don't trust him but I don't have to be cruel to him." Roman said teleporting to the elevator.

"Alright fine." Loki groaned from the couch but made himself comfortable in a nest of pillows and a blanket. Roman went to get Bucky the normal way, by taking the elevator. The elevator started with a bump making Roman hold onto the bars and ended with a jump making her relax just a bit.

She walked towards the glass cage and Bucky was throwing a ball against it. The ball making a loud piercing noise through the dull of silence. "Come to talk?" Bucky said his voice gruff, Roman also noticed he was missing his arm.

"I came to let you out." Roman said entering in the password (which was point break). "Just because you killed me doesn't mean I have to treat you like a rabid animal." Roman said and Bucky set his ball down.

"I remember killing you but I don't remembered feeling anything. I remember every kill- every life i've taken." Bucky said glancing away and Roman empathized with him.

"Bucky you need to learn to forgive yourself. Once you do that you can actually heal and begin to make a life for yourself away Hydra." Roman said and Bucky nodded. "Come on me and Loki are putting on a movie marathon. I figured movies have come a long way since you were last able to watch them." Roman said holding the door as Bucky walked out.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance." Bucky said softly and Roman smiled.

"It's what I do." Roman opened the elevator for them and Roman stepped in and then Bucky did. Being in a closed confined space with her killer no less made Romans heart pound. Roman gripped onto the railing as they started their ascension upwards.

"I'm not going to do anything to you." Bucky said quietly and Roman felt guilty.

"It's not you,-" how do I put this, "I just don't like elevators." Roman said as the elevator lurched forward making Roman grip the railing tighter.

"You have a fear of elevators? There pretty safe you know reinforced cables and steel plating." Bucky commented and Roman nodded.

"Yeah i understand that, my feelings towards them changed when the elevator cable snapped and I plummeted fifty floors." Roman muttered venom in her voice and Bucky looked conflicted on what to do.

"I'm sorry." Bucky said softly patting Romans shoulder quite awkwardly.

"It's fine, what's done is done." Roman said as the elevator doors opened. Loki raised his head lazily from his nest and Roman sat besides him. Loki to her right and Bucky to her left. She snuggled deeper into the couch and picked a random movie.

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