Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Loki's POV
As soon as Roman called Loki asking for help he was grabbing a shirt. From the phone he then heard a scream and a thud. He heard nothing else but the bushes swaying as another person chased after Roman. Loki was panicked. He quickly teleported to where the gps of the phone told him. Looking around the field he saw nothing, not one thing. Looking down he saw Romans phone still on calling him. A picture of him sleeping was his contact picture and he close his eyes, his blood was boiling at this point. He desperately searched the field. Following the trail in the weeds Loki found footprints of two people. Roman running for her life and her scream echoed around Loki's head making him grind his teeth.

"Roman!" Loki called out, he then found a piece of the green flannel Roman had been wearing. Loki hesitantly picked it up and looked it over. On the side of it written in what looked like fresh blood was 'Hydra'.

"Roman!" Tony's voice echoed around the field and Loki teleported pinning him against a tree. "Holy Jesus!" Tony yelled.

"What in the Hells happened!" Loki hissed showing him the piece of cloth.

"Me and Roman got into a fight she ran off into the field. The trackers!" Tony said and Loki teleported him back to his room. His very messy room.

"Find her Stark." Loki growled.

"Why do you even care Loki? From what i know you haven't been talking to her as of lately because you found out your bond together by magic." Tony said and Loki growled.

"While I do admit that was a shock and I needed my time you did not hear her scream your name as she tried to outrun her attacker." Loki growled holding a knife he conjured to Starks throat.

"Look I'm sorry I'm triangulating her location now." Tony said swatting the knife away and going back to typing on the computer. "No that's not possible." Tony looked frantic and Loki looked at what was happening on the computer.

"Are those her vitals?" Loki asked horrified at what he was seeing. The green bar that should have been monitoring her heartbeats was red in a flatline. Loki felt his heart shatter as he watched the bar flatline.

"Roman died." Tony said in a whisper starting to cry. "Please leave me for a minute." Loki only nodded the shock still setting into his heart.

Loki could hear crashing coming from Tonys room along with a wail of despair. Loki teleported to the field she was last at and collapsed into the tall grass. As Loki cried in the empty field the earth suddenly rotting around him as he stabbed his staff into the ground. Something inside of him broke, something inside of him died. Loki started to laugh, he clutched his head his emotions were everywhere but one came to the surface. His rage, his anger, his will to kill, and that's what he did. He wasn't going to stop until he found Romans body. He used the staff to lift himself back up and he started to search for Romans body.

Romans POV
Everything was cold and just boring. She could see around her, her memories playing. Hellfire stood next to her adding some color to this boring room. "Did i die?" Roman asked in a whisper and Hellfire nodded.

"The man who kidnapped us, Bucky Barnes snapped our neck. He said he was finishing a job." Hellfire said walking with Roman as she watched her memories play.

The memory of when she first met Quill, the memory of her baby sister being born. Her parents and sister abusing her for years until she got her acceptance letter for an engineer college. All of her memories had a black or yellow tinge around them. The black ones were her bad memories but the ones in yellow were happy. When Wade rescued her from the ledge, when she met Spiderman. The one memory that was the brightest was when she met Loki. That one was decorated in green and yellow colors that wound around the memory.

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