a garden full of flowers growing on concrete

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What do I really know about The pretty girl?
Well, she's pretty, that's clear to see.
She has at least two friends, and nice ones they are.
She's quiet, and kept to herself.
She's amazing at art and a pen in her hand could become a camera.
She's yellow like me, but maybe a bit more orange.
She's a sunflower really, but one that doesn't stand too tall.
Although yellow, I know, that yellow is only just opaque enough to hide the gray that lives inside her mind.
Gray, like me sometimes.
She's a garden full of flowers growing on concrete.
And maybe i'm just the one who passes by everyday to admire them.

This morning the house was lively, full of voices and laughter.
Everyone was talking about  vacations they've taken before.
They may have been stories we've already told each other but  that didn't matter

"Back when I was still living in britain my family and I went to Spain for a bit over a week, We got to go to Madrid and all over the coast, I saw a really big crab and ran away from it and that's all i really remember" Robin said. We all laughed.

" I remember once I went to this beach resort near Baja and we stayed in little condos and got golf carts to drive around and Some kid fell off of it right in front of our house and was screaming it was a little bit funny cause like, how do you manage to fall of a vehicle going 5 miles an hour?" Kiera said.

I started laughing again, " Saffie remember when you fell off the golf cart on the road?" I said through smiles.

" Ok here's the thing It was going so slow and I thought I could jump off and run faster than it" She said.

I couldn't help but laugh. "The thing is you didn't even ask me to stop so you could get off and try to just jumped off and ended up rolling down the road a few feet while i drove off and your mom screamed at you" Everyone was cracking smiles and laughing.

" In my defense my foot got caught as I was jumping off" She said as she tried to defend herself.
"Saffie just imagine, Your mother is proud to have you as a child, your in honors classes and getting good grades and then you make the conscious decision to JUMP OFF THE BACK OF A MOVING VEHICLE!" I said with a smile still plastered on my face and the scene on repeat in my head.

"You know, one time my sister was with her boyfriend and they were driving around in his truck in our back lawn for some reason, and I was running to jump on the back of the truck and I had a sandwich in my hand, Except it didn't have a top piece of bread it just was peanut butter and jelly on one slice. So right as I jump to get on they take off and I ended up face planting into that sandwich that I was really excited to eat." Venus said. I tried to envision it in my head and I could imagine just how laughable the scene must of been.

"You didn't bother to fold the bread over did you?" Kiera said.

"I Don't know it was just given to me that way" Venus explained.

"How old were you?" Robin asked.

"I don't know maybe seven or eight?" She answered.

"One time My sister was trying to bike while holding a sandwich and she ended up falling in a ditch with ham and cheese all over her" Saffie said. Picturing the pretty girl doing that made me inevitably crack up. "The thing is it wasn't like she was young and did it she was 15" Saffie continued.

Conversations were fun in the house with so many voices and minds to add to it.
The day went on like it always does, and Venus and I made a stop at the grocery store.
The thing with Mortuus, everyone is in a constant state of retirement so to say.
No one works jobs, it's kind of like an everlasting vacation.
Of course with no jobs, there's no way to gain money as you'd expect.
In fact, there is no money or currency exchange.
Instead of using coins and paper and checks and cards, ghosts are rewarded with "monetӕ"
Which basically translates to currency from latin.
It's a square of thin glass, but unbreakable and about that size of those small post it notes.
They come in different colors to signify different values, for example red being like fifty cents and then purple being a fifty maybe.
Each household is given 10 purples a month, and is expected to spend them wisely.
You can save them or spend them, but regardless when the next month comes around you'll be given more.
Grocery stores are pretty limited as no one here needs to eat.
We go shopping maybe once a month if that because there's not really a need to.
Monetᴂ are usually spent on things like furniture or clothing.
We finished pushing the cart around and inserted a purple and a green into the machine, of course there's no cashier working so it's just like a self checkout.
We went back home and put everything in the cupboards and fridge.

"You know guys, classes are going to be starting again pretty soon" Saffie said as we all were sat in the bedroom.
"Ugh you're right" Robin answered.
For the many of us goner girls and ghost boys, we've passed without getting a full education, so from June to February online classes run on a website called "Education34", 34 representing the block number of California. I'm nearly done with this program as well as robin and Kiera, this being kiera's last year.

The day went by as normal and I started to think, it was quite odd how I'd never seen the pretty girl up until a couple weeks back, you'd think knowing Saffie for so many years i'd at least know her face and her voice like she was a friend of my own.
LIke me, Saffie had a period of not wanting to go back to earth, but hers lasted longer than mine.
I think it made just over a year before she agreed to come down with me.
But still, in those times we never really went to her house, we'd go to mine, or another one of the girls houses, or just somewhere other than the place she called her home.
Then she started going back to her place, but I didn't go with her often.
I felt like i'd be a third wheel really, just kind of being with her while she observed her family.
Then, finally, I saw the pretty girl.
And I'm really happy I did.

oh boy school started time for my uploading schedule to be worse than i am at dancing!

hey i should probably say i don't proof read these chapters at all so you've probably encountered quite a few mistakes so i apologize.
well i hope you enjoy this and don't yell at me for uploading so late i'm fragile and already sad bye

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