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My dad, Archie and I are at pops and while Archie was washing his hands, a man came in with a hood on and had a gun pointed at pops

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My dad, Archie and I are at pops and while Archie was washing his hands, a man came in with a hood on and had a gun pointed at pops.

Then Archie came out and looked at us with worry in his eyes. My dad got out of the booth and walked slowly forward. The man got off the counter and aimed the gun at my dad. Fred put his hands up then Archie came running in and my dad got shot.

Pop called for an ambulance but it wasn't going to make it. With Archie's help we got him in the back seat of the truck and I drove to the hospital.

"Help, help my dads been shot!", I yelled while crying.


I know one person when I couldn't go to my dad, FP Jones. He's my godfather in a way.

I knocked on the door but I didn't hear anyone come to the door. I know another place where he could be and that is the wyrm.

I drove to the wyrm

I got there and I already have some stares from the people outside the bar. I walked into the bar still no sign of Fp.  He must be in his office, so, I was heading that way but this tall tan raven hair boy steps in front of me.

"What is a northsider doing here? You should go back to where you belong!"

"I'm not here for you so if you'd mind of moving out of the way then there we'll be no problem here.", I said to the tall boy.

"Well, to late because we already have a problem. We have a northside princess waltzing in here like she owns the place. Go back to the northside or you don't want what happens when you don't listen.", he said with his friend on his right side.

"Let me guess your gonna beat me up."

They had a smirk on their faces like I guessed it right.

"Well I wouldn't do that because I'm here to talk to Fp fucking jones so if you have a problem then I have a problem."when she said that he looked at her like he was going to explode.

"What's going on here?", a voice that she missed so much, FP Jones.

"We a northsider here.", the dude said on my right.

"I need to talk to you right now.", I said ignoring the dude on my right.

"Izzy..what do you need to talk about?", he said while giving me hug. The two boys looked at each other confused.

"Wait, you know this northsider.", the tall boy said angrily. I turned to him angrily.

"This Isabella Andrews, my goddaughter and if you have a problem with that than you have to deal with it.", he said angrily at the boy.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you.", the tall boy apologized to me. I just nodded my head at him saying I accept his apology. They walked away after that.

"What do you need to talk to me about?"

"My dad."

"Let's go in the office and talk."



"This morning, my dad, Archie and I went to pops. When Archie went to wash his hands, their was this man in a black hood and he aimed a gun at pops...", I said crying now.

"I was seating right beside my dad against the window. Archie came out of the restroom and looked at the man. The man looked at Archie and got off the counter. He started to walk our way and my dad slowly got up from the booth and put his hands up. The man aimed the gun at him. Archie ran to block it but I-it was to late. T-The man shot my dad.", I said while bawling my eyes out.

"Is he okay? Are you okay?", he said giving me another hug but this one was tighter.

"I'm fine but my dad was in surgery when I left the hospital. What do I do?"

"You staying with me and jug because that man had a mission and what I'm guessing is that to take out your father. You'll be safe around here and I'll let one the younger  serpents to walk you to school, okay is that okay with you?", he said concerned.

"Yea it's okay.", I said relieved that I know what to do.

We went down to the bar and he was looking for someone while I just went to the bar and ordered me a whiskey and coke with royal crown.

"Sweet Pea, come here.", I heard Fp say. I turned around to see that tall boy from earlier walking to Fp.

"I want you to walk Izzy to my trailer or yours I don't care who's just take her to one of them.", Fp said while I walked up to them.

"Fine, come on!", the tall boy said.

"Do you know how to ride?"

"Yea", I said while he put the helmet on my head. He got on the bike and I got on after he did.

"You hold on tight", he said while looking at me in the corner of his eye.

He started the revived the engine and I wrapped my arms around his waist and I felt him tense at my touch and then soften.

I laid my head on his back letting the wind hit my face and hair. Letting the road lead the way of the trailer park.

He parked the bike and kick the kickstand. I got off the bike the and so did he. He walked in front that I had look up at him because I'm like 5'0" and he's like 6'3" or something. He getting the helmet off my head but when he got it off he must missed step and he fell on top of me.

"Ow....", I said wincing at the pain on my back.

"I'm s-sorry. I must have missed stepped and lost my balance.", he said getting off of me and giving me a hand.

"It's fine we all loose our balance at one point of our life.", I said while giggling a little and he just smiled at me.

It was quiet for a while until he spoke up, "come on."

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