Part 60 : Dare : Get Married to Subaru !!!

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AnimeLover-2018 : Esipy1765 has dared AnnaMew to get married to Subaru !!!
Maid of Honor : Ashleyrella
Bridesmaids : Esipy, Komori Twins, and The Wives
Flower Girl : Baby Yui.

Subaru : Okay.

Christa : AHH. 😭 ( gets a handkerchief )


Brothers : Let's go Subaru.

Subaru : ( walks with the boys )

Ashleyrella : ( claps ) Come on. Chop chop time to get dressed.

Anna : ( takes her dress )

Subaru : ( takes his suit )

Ashleyrella : Here Anna.

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Ashleyrella : Here girls

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Ashleyrella : Here girls.

Wives and Twins : ( changes )

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Wives and Twins : ( changes )

Ashleyrella : Here Baby Yui.

Baby Yui : ( bangs toys ) Goo. ( gets changed )

 ( gets changed )

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Ashleyrella : Okay Baby Yui

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Ashleyrella : Okay Baby Yui. Go and walk out sweetie.

Music plays ( here comes the Bride )

Baby Yui : ( throws flowers )

Bride Anna : ( walks )

Bride Anna : ( walks )

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In the church

AnimeLover-2018 : "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses to join together this man Subaru Sakamaki and this woman AnnaMew in the bond of holy matrimony. Subaru do you take this woman Anna to be your lawful wedded Wife ?

Subaru : I do.

AnimeLover-2018 : AnnaMew do you take this man Subaru Sakamaki to be your lawful wedded Husband ?

AnnaMew : I do.

AnimeLover-2018 : Anyone in this church give reason as to why these two should not be married !

Cricket Sounds

Richter : ( slowly raises his hand )

Karlheinz : ( slaps Richter )

Richter : OUCH. ( holds his face )

AnimeLover-2018 : May I have the rings ?

Kino : ( gives rings )

Subaru and Anna : ( puts them on )

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Subaru and Anna : ( puts them on )

AnimeLover-2018 : By witnessing all those present I now pronounce you as Husband and Wife you may kiss the bride ?

Subaru and Anna : ( kisses each other )

Christa : AHHH. 😭 ( wipes her tears )

Anna : ( throws flowers )

Girls : BOUQUET. ( runs to catch it )

 ( runs to catch it )

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Babies : CAKE. ( crawls )

Everyone : ( eats Cake )

Subaru : ( smiles ) Bye.

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