Part 156 : Dare : Go Sky Diving !!!

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AnimeLover-2018 : Syia_Tsukinami has dared Kino, Subaru and Carla to go SkyDiving !!!

Boys : Okay.

Babies : ( sleeps )

Brothers and Twins : !

On a plane

Boys : ( puts on Sky Diving gear )

Plane flies

Boys : ( jumps )

Kino : WEEEE.

Subaru : WOAH.

Carla : ( falls from the sky )

Minutes later

Everyone : ! Where are Subaru. Carla. And Kino ?

AnimeLover-2018 : ( looks up ) Sky Diving.

Wives : WHAT. 😱 ( looks in the sky )

AnimeLover-2018 : They should be coming down any minute now.

Boys : WEEE. ( flies to the ground )

Carla : ( takes off the gear )

Girls : 😨

Karlheinz : ! How was it ?

Kino : Fun.

Christa : 😭 AHHH. SUBARU ( Runs And hugs him )

Subaru : ! AHHH. ( falls to the ground ) MOTHER CALM DOWN.

Christa : 😭 ( cries )

Vampire Yui : ( brushes Carla's hair )

Carla : 😳

Rose : ! Kino-Kun. ( hugs )

Reiji : ! I guess they were worried.

Beatrix : They were.

Shu : Bye.

Ask / Dare : Diabolik Lovers : {Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now