Part 183 : Dare : Popular girl vs New girl !!!

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AnimeLover-2018 : J-HopesGirl2345 has dared Kou to act like a Popular Girl that was being mean to the New Girl Ayato !!!

Ayato and Kou : ! Okay. ( changes into girls )

 ( changes into girls )

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Boys : Oh. Look at Kou she looks so pretty.

Subaru : ! ( blushes )

Ayata : ( walks through the hallway )

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Ayata : ( walks through the hallway )

Female Kou : ! Hmm. ( smiles at the boys )

Yui : Hey Ayata.

Ayata : Hey.

Yui : Ready to begin your first day ?

Ayata : Yeah.

Ruki : ! ( blushes )

Bell Rings

Female Kou : ! ( rolls her eyes and walks away )

In Biology Class

Female Kou : Subaru how have you been ?

Subaru : Good. A little.

Female Kou : Yeah I haven't been so good neither.

Ruki : ! ( blushes )

Biology Teacher : Okay class. Take out your science books. We'll be doing experiments. Whatever you choose as your experiment you'll do together. So I want you to choose a partner.

Ruki : Hey Ayata. Do you wanna be lab partners ?

Ayata : ( smiles and blushes ) Okay.

Female Kou : ( looks at them jealously )

Ruki : ( sits next to Ayata )

Female Kou : ( rolls her eyes turning away )

After class

Students : ( walks out )

Female Kou : ( pushes Ayata and walks away )

Ayata : ( falls and drops her books )

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