Part 189 : Dare : Go to an Amusement Park !!!

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AnimeLover-2018 : _AnutheWonderGirl_ has dared her and her Parents to go to an Amusement Park !!!

Ayato and Yui : ( smiles ) Okay.

Baby Anu : YAY.

Ayato and Yui : ( smiles and take her hand )

At the Amusement Park

Ayato / Yui / Baby Anu : ( rides a Farris Wheel )

Baby Anu : YAY.

Yui : ( giggles and hugs )

After the Farris Wheel

Ayato : ( plays basketball games ) Yes.

Employee : We have a winner. ( gets a toy ) Here you go.

Ayato : Thank you. ( gives Baby Anu a plushie )

Baby Anu : YAY. Thank you daddy.

Ayato : ( smiles ) You're Welcome.

Yui : I have snacks.

Baby Anu : YAY. ( eats popcorn ) ! BUMPER CARS.

Yui : ( smiles ) Okay. Let's go.

Ayato : ( walks to the Bumper cars )

Family : WEE. ( bumps each other )

Baby Anu : ( giggles and bumps again )

Yui : ( smiles and laughs )

Baby Anu : Mommy can we go in the Aquarium.

Both : Of course we can sweetie. Let's go.

In the Aquarium

Baby Anu : Wow. Fish.

Yui : Anu let's take a picture.

Baby Anu : ! ( smiles in the picture )

Yui : ( snaps pictures )

Hours later

Baby Anu : ( yawns ) 😴

Ayato : ( picks her up )

Back at home

Door opens

Cordelia : SO H-

Yui : ( whispers ) Quite. She's sleeping.

Cordelia : Oh sorry. 😊

Ayato : ( whispers ) We had a good time. We road rides. Had snacks. And I gave her a new toy.

Cordelia : ( whispers ) 🥰 Awww. How adorable.

Yui : ( changes Baby Anu in her Pajamas )

Baby Anu : 😴 ( snores holding her new toy )

Yui : ( puts her in the bed giving her a kiss )

Door closes

Yui : Bye.

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