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Another Monday afternoon in Math. When I majored in Physics a lot of my friends gave me the side eye. But I did enjoy math I found something I am naturally good at and I've always been strong with numbers. So why not use that to my advantage Daddy told me I should be an accountant.

I knew I'd be good at it but I didn't see any thrill with that profession I don't wanna work a job and be unfulfilled.

Boy, am I happy school's almost over I catch myself envious of my counterparts UCLA is filled with rich kids who didn't get accepted to USC a lot of them are trust fund babies, kids of lawyers, doctors, and professional athletes.

How lucky are they to not have to worry about money here I was working extra hard in my studies and making money to pay for my classes. To pay for my expenses I had to tutor. Most students were wealthy so they used their money to get what they want students went so far as to offer me $1,000 to write term papers.

My parent's always told me it's no shortcuts in life either you put in the hard work or you end up with the shitty end of the stick.

Who knows if they get caught they wouldn't hesitate to throw me under the bus. My mind comes back to the present time with my ten-page final exam here I was face to face with sixty percent of my grade for the semester.

My professor sitting behind his desk typing away at his laptop unbothered while everybody else including myself had stone-cold looks on our faces.

" Cody, you got the cheat sheet, bro?" A blonde-haired blue eyed guy asked his friend to my left.

He gave him a folded piece of paper and they both smiled all I did was shake my head. It didn't matter to me and where I'm from you don't snitch.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen everyone has exactly one hour to finish please do the best of your ability let me remind everyone in this room needs to pass this class so if I catch anybody cheating it's an automatic fail and I'll be seeing you next semester," Professor Hicks said.

I got my pencil out waiting for the signal to start I started my test and read through all the formulas. A lot of them I know the good thing about math is that it's steps and once you get good at following the steps the answers will come naturally.

Fifteen minutes into my test I could hear the two friends from earlier in distress and I laughed to myself everybody thinks they can shortcut in life but you get the shitty end like I said earlier the older I get the more I realize how true it is.

It only took me forty-five minutes to finish my test I took my paper and walked to the professor to hand him my test. He looked suspicious I guess I couldn't blame him for having a little reluctance but he took my paper and gave me a stern smile.

I took my seat and put my headphones on and I waited for the bell to ring. So I could head to work. I'm working for a coffee shop on campus it's only part-time just to pay for my basic needs. Food, transportation, and toiletries.

My phone buzzed in my hand thank god I put it on vibrate.


My roommate Kelly texted me she knew I hated parties but that didn't stop her from inviting me every chance she got.

Kelly has grown to become my best friend she's from New York and we clicked on our first day of meeting she introduced me to her sorority sisters. Some of them are cool but a lot of them aren't the nicest but I'm for South Central a bunch of prissy rich girls isn't anything I can't handle.

Kelly's mother is Chinese and her father is African American she had the look every black guy loved beautiful brown skin with slanted eyes and long curly hair that fell to her backside.

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