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A month later...

My EP was a success so much so that a number of record labels are knocking on my door.

I've talked about what kind of deal I wanted with Chris he's been really helpful he has a lot of knowledge as far is Record Labels go.

I've done my own research I've been offered anything from Development Deals to 360's I've even got a call about some Publishing Deal even though those aren't offered usually when labels wanna sign acts.

All I know is that I want creative control over my music a lot of artist sign to these labels and they sign single deals opposed to album deals.

Instead of an album they'll ask for anywhere from 30-100 singles those deals are more common in the music industry.

The ideal is to score an artist deal where I could negotiate different aspects as far a creative control owning my publishing are a percentage of it.

But first I need more leverage I have the #1 album on the R&B charts and it's stayed there since it's dropped a month ago.

In the meantime I've been writing music for other artist all I ask for is credit on the record and a flat rate being that I'm new to the writing gig plus I don't know where the record is gonna go.

Chris set up a meeting between his label RCA and me they've been the most anxious to sign me which is a good thing because I can take advantage of that.

I already knew what deal I wanted and what I was willing to give in return but one thing I didn't wanna do was give the the rights to my EP, the good thing about Chris is that the label doesn't own his likeness so he could work with whomever he pleases without any push back from his label.

I'm gonna do my best to strong arm them I'm willing to give up a percentage of the sales from the EP but not my rights that's my bread and butter.

On the drive to RCA's headquarters Chris briefed me on the things to say I felt like I was auditioning for a acting role.

" don't push back to quickly they can smell weakness I've already sent over the adjustments to the contract now it's up to you to deliver" he said.

I had to dress the part as well because this is business I wore a navy blue pant suit with a white blouse and a matching blazer I topped it off with a pair of red pumps.

Once we went inside we sat down and waited to be called in it didn't take long we were greeted by a group of Jewish man a few woman and one African American woman she was the VP of the label meaning she was the boss.

" Thanks, for joining us this morning Ms. Solé I'm gonna skip over the pleasantries and let's talk business.. we like you and we're interested

We feel as though you have a sound that we definitely need on our roster" she said.

" what's the offer?" I asked.

" two year artist development plus publishing as a songwriter how do you feel about that? she asked.

" I'm gonna have to decline I see your line up of female acts and you guys are looking for a top girl your female acts aren't as strong and my EP is charting better than any female R&B you have on the roster

So I'm gonna counter offer three album split deal with creative control" I said.

I could tell Miss. VP wasn't expecting me to boss up.

" your right we don't have a top female artist as far as R&B goes what makes you what we are looking for?" She said.

" I know this ain't about talent because that's not the issue I know your more interested in numbers and analytics" I said.

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