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" Aliyah, be nice" Kelly said.

Kevin invited us to one of his season games I honestly didn't wanna go but I had to support my friend. Although, I hate Kevin for what he put her though but she's getting ready to pop any day now.

" I'm happy for you Kellz I want things to workout between you guys" I said.

Truth is I love, love I want everyone to be in love and find happiness Kelly's baby deserves to have both parents.

" I'm still mad at you for not telling me about you and Mr. Brown" she said.

" girl, I wanted to tell you but I had to keep this secret I didn't want my parents finding out" I said.

" I get it but spill what's he like? Is the d good?" She asked.

" he's funny, very chill and the d is out of this world" I said.

She bumped my arm " I miss sex" she said sadly.

" me too" I said.

" your, boo is on tour and I don't have a boo" she said.

" well, you have your baby's father y'all can get it poppin" I chuckled.

She smirked a little " girl, that's the only reason I came to his game this pregnancy has me like a dog in heat" she said.

" you ready to go babymama" I asked.

Kelly and I took the short drive to The Staples Center where the Clippers and Lakers play their home games. We had our Clippers jerseys on I wore a Chris Paul jersey while Kelly had on Kevin's. Anybody for LA will tell you trying to get in and out of the Staples Center is very hard the traffic and parking is terrible.

It took an hour for us to park and find our seats Kelly had to go to the restroom every thirty-minutes at Kevin hooked us up with floor seats.

We were just a few feet away from Actor Jack Nickelson and the Kardashian's, its my first time coming to a game in such a long-time.

The away team is already on the court practicing they're playing against the Phoenix Suns tonight, I haven't watched a game in a long ass time.

" I'm starving girl" Kelly said.

" well I can stop at concessions" I said.

Kelly wanted nachos and I could use a cocktail something light because I do have to drive after the games over.

I made my way to concessions the lines are packed at least I wouldn't miss the first half of the game it's a TV near concessions.

" hey, are you the girl from Chris Brown's instagram?" a young girl asked she had to be six-teen she looked cute with her Blake Griffin jersey.

" yeah, that's me" I smiled it's not often that I get recognized and when I do get noticed it's always associated with Chris.

" omg you are so pretty in person I just wanted to say hello" she said.

It's always nice meeting Chris's fans most of them are really nice.

" thank you, for the love" I said.

" just between us are you guys dating?" She asked.

It's no way I could tell her the truth so I told her we were just good friends I don't think she believed me but it is what it is.

Ten-minutes until the game starts and I rush to my seat I didn't wanna miss anything it's not everyday you get floor seats.

" your finally here" Kelly said.

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