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Summer break...

Around my side of the room I searched and damn I couldn't figure out what I needed to pack. I'd be on the road in a week and I will be spending a few days with my family when I talked to my mother earlier I couldn't tell if she was happy that I was coming home or sad that I'll be in her space. The day my mom and Dad dropped me off at the UCLA dorm she chunked up the deuces  and she and my dad went out to dinner.

They didn't even invite me! I was starving but my dad at least sent postmates to my dorm.

I looked in my small closet and packed all my jeans and basic t-shirts, a few pairs of shoes a lot of my stuff is still in my room back home.

Now it's 3:30 and I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up he's running a little late so I texted him.


He texted back right away.


My nerves calmed my dad never let me down he was the glue that held the family together. I know it's strange right? It's usually the woman but my mom is tough as nails and my dad is the level headed one he loves my mom to death he submits to her crazy.

Kelly walked in the door with Kevin she was holding his hand tightly she looked surprised to see me.

" your still here girl?" She looked puzzled.

" my dad is stuck in traffic" I said.

Kelly and Kevin looked at each other.

" Aliyah, can I borrow the room for a few minutes" she said batting her long eyelashes at me.

Kevin interrupted " we gonna need twenty" he said.

Kelly elbowed him telling him to be quiet I couldn't stand these two they are like dogs in heat they have sex anywhere at anytime. I just prayed Kelly used protection Kevin is a nice guy but you could never be too safe.

I didn't mind them freaking in the room it's none of my business so I grabbed my luggage I was done packing anyway I'll meet my dad at the quad.

" don't fuck on my bed" I said warning Kelly.

Kelly thanked me and I locked the door behind me. Once I got to the student union it was damn near empty so I occupied my time by reading a good book I choose Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. She is one of my favorite authors.

I ordered a cappuccino from the café and I kicked back.

" Hello, do you mind if I sit with you" a male voice said.

I looked up to find a tall handsome peanut butter skin brotha standing before me. He had this intoxicating smile with perfect white teeth how could I say no.

" sure" I said I continued reading my book I notice he had Tupac's book of poetry A rose that grew from concrete. I've read the bluest eye a thousand times.

" I'm Will by the way I didn't get your name" he said.

I put my book down " it's because I didn't tell you" I said surveying him he had to be an athlete and his 6'6 frame and lean physique screamed basketball. And it also told me he was trouble all athletes didn't have the best rep when it came to woman.

" I'm sorry.. what's your name" he asked.

Persistent.. I thought to myself I never entertained man like him they only came with trouble and a lot of beef with females that saught after them.

" Listen.. Will I'm sorry I don't wanna be rude I'm sure you're a nice guy but I'm not interested" I said.

I thought that would be the end of our conversation and he'd keep it moving.

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