Chapter One

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I am pretty excited about this past week. We've been on a cruise and we're on our way back tomorrow. There were only a few other families on here too so it hasn't been crazy. I walked into the room my best friend, Ella and I have been staying.

"There's a storm coming," she sighed.

"That's no big deal, we should be back by the time it hits right?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said as she got up and walked to the window. "It's already looking quite dark," she said.

"You have to admit, we've had fun the last couple of days, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"Your fear of boats should be over, thank me when we get home!" I smiled.

James Maslow's POV

"Guys, the storm is coming," I said.

"James, chill out." my friend, Logan said.

"How can I chill out when a freak storm is coming, and we're in the middle of nowhere!" I said.

"It's just a bit of a downpour, we'll live," Kendall said.

"I wasn't thinking about dying, but now I am, so thanks a ton," I said. Carlos came over and sat next to me.

"Uh, guys he's right... it's not looking too good," he said. Dustin pulled out his phone.

"I would say I could tell you guys, but there's no such thing as a Pacific Signal," he said tossing his phone on the bed.

"Did the Captain talk to any of you?" I heard a voice ask from the door. I looked and saw a girl about... two years younger than us.

"Nope, who're you?" Logan asked.

"I'm Kat, I am right down the hall. I figured a group of guys might know how bad the storms going to be," she said.

"It shouldn't be bad," I spoke up quickly. She smiled at me,

"That's what I needed to hear. My friend has a huge fear of being on boats... I didn't need to tell you guys that... sorry. I'm gonna go!" she said.

"See ya around!" I said. She smiled and waved as she walked away and Carlos laughed at me.

"Forget you were on a boat for a minute there?" he asked.

"Shut up!" I laughed and hit his arm.


Kat's POV

I felt myself hit the floor and I looked up, the boat was rocking. I looked over at Ella and she was sound asleep. Then I heard a scream, I got up and ran into the hall. There was a huge clap of thunder and I fell to the floor in the hall. A person caught me and I turned to see a guy with black hair that was in the room full of guys. He was looking behind me in horror.

"Do I wanna turn around?" I asked as I felt my back get soaked. I spun to see the boat split in half. We began to sink.

"What do we do!" I yelled. The other guys came running out and I ran in my room.

"What're you doing!" the latino boy called.

"I have to get my friend," I said. The brown haired one pushed me aside and ran in grabbing her. She opened her eyes and smiled at the guy. Then she saw the boat.

"I didn't want to live in the Titanic! I just really loved the movie!" she cried.

"Everything will be okay Ella!" I said. She shook her head and the guys found two boats.

"I'll jump down," said the guy holding Ella.

"Are you stupid?" I asked.

"We have to get in the boats somehow!" he said. He sat Ella next to me and dove into the water. Moments later he pulled himself over and into a boat.

"We can get down the stairs and he'll paddle over the other boat," the blonde one said. We followed the boys down and stood by the edge. The guy had paddled over his, and the other boat.

"Split in half," he said. I jumped in the empty one, while Ella climbed in with him. The blonde one, the guy with a mustache and the black haired one climbed in with me while the latino went with Ella. Thankfully the storm was over. I laid myself down on the bottom and the guys were paddling away.

There was chapter one... tell me what ya think!

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