Chapter Nineteen

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I walked around the jungle when James came running at me,

"Let's go on an adventure!" He said. I didn't have time to respond as he yanked my arm and I began running with him. We got to the cave and I looked at him confused.

"Simon is probably already decaying," I shivered. James frowned,

"I still can't believe that happened," he said.

"Why are we here though?" I asked.

"He has cameras all over the island! So if we get wi-fi with any of his computers we can send a video message," he said. He moved Simon's body and carelessly dropped it on the floor. He flipped the main switch and a few light bulbs popped. "God this stuff is old," he muttered. He turned on a computer and it showed no wi-fi. James looked around, "Do you see a router?" He asked.

"Ummm," I said as I did a full 360 turn taking in as much as I could. "No," I said. James looked around too and spotted one under several books. He turned it on and some signal turned up. James smiled at me and gave me a high five. "I'll run back and get the coordinates," I said. James' eyes got wide,

"You don't have them?!" He asked.

"I wasn't expecting to find a way home," I said.

"Well hurry, the signal isn't very strong," he said. "Oh, and don't tell the others! We don't want to get their hopes up," He added. I nodded and waved as I left. I ran back and got in my hut. I grabbed the paper and walked out of the door and right into Kendall's arms.

"I haven't seen you all morning cutie, where've you been?" He asked. I blushed as he kissed my cheek.

"Well I- I have to go!" I said remembering James said the signal wasn't strong. Kendall grabbed my hand and pulled me into his grasp.

"Why?" He frowned.

"I need to meet James," I said quickly.

"Why?!" Kendall glared.

"We're working on something very important!" I said.

"Like..." He said.

"Something very important," I said ripping my hand from him and running off.

I got to the cave and James held his hand out to me. He typed in the coordinates and sent a ton of the videos to... his mom.

"Really," I said.

"She can get a hold of someone! And I miss her..." He said.

Kendall's POV

Kat ran from me and I frowned. I had half a mind to follow her. I stayed put and the other guys stood there looking at me,

"DE-nied," Logan said. I glared at him and he was smirking.

"What's up? Have any of you seen James today?" Ella asked. I smiled at her,

"Nope, you wanna hang out?" I asked her.

"Oh, uh... Sure," she shrugged. I smiled and held out my arm for her. We walked down to the water and she sat on a rock as I leaned against it next to her. "Kat's been gone too... Do you think they're together?" She asked. I kept my mouth shut,

"No clue... It is weird though, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah... I mean I know she kinda checks James out every once in a while... But I don't think she'd take him and run," she said. My heart sank,

"She checks James out?" I asked.

"Yeah, but she could barely date you... Nothing's probably going on," she said. I could tell she didn't believe herself.

Kat's POV

"Why hasn't she answered!" James yelled. We were just sitting on the floor watching the screen. He got up and hit refresh. "Oh," he said.

"Oh good?! Or Oh bad?" I asked. He looked at me and then to the screen,

"Last Refreshed: 3 Hours Ago"

"WHAT!" I yelled.

"We lost connection," he said.

"Now we can't even tell if it sent!" I yelled. James glared at the computer and picked up the monitor. "James!" I said. He threw it across the cave and put his head in his hands. My eyes were wide in fear. Should I go comfort him? Or will I be next to launch? I walked over and leaned on him giving him a hug.

"We were so close! Seconds away!" He said. He hugged me and I felt my cheek begin to get wet. I pulled my face back and saw him crying.

"Oh gosh, James," I sighed and began to cry too. He straightened up a few minutes later. He wiped his tears and stood up, holding his hand out to me.

"Let's get back," he said.

Good chapter? Idk if you like it? Haha

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