Chapter Three

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When I woke up I heard some shuffling outside. Ella and James had already disappeared. I looked around and saw Logan holding a spear.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked laughing. He had his pant legs rolled up and he was looking at the water in concentration.

"Trying to catch dinner," he said.

"Kat!" I heard Carlos call my name. I turned around and he smiled. "A couple clocks washed ashore, we have one in our hut, didn't know if you wanted one?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, thanks Los!" I said. He smiled and walked over to the fire pit that was already lit. James was sitting there with a metal pan over the fire, filled with water. "What's that for?" I asked smiling as I sat next to him.

"The fish... if Logan can catch one!" He said a bit louder so Logan could hear.

"I'm trying!" Logan called back. I laughed and James smiled as he pulled out his phone.

"No signal, but at least I can look at pictures for another... 85%," he sighed.

"I turned mine off, don't want to loose charge," I smiled. He frowned and looked over towards the guys hut.

"Kendall and Dustin are strumming on that guitar. If that wouldn't have washed up I think Kendall might've panicked," he said.

"Does it mean a lot to him?" I asked.

"Other than the fact that it cost almost his entire college fund, he serenaded his girlfriend of three years and she dumped him that night. That's who the girl was in the case, she crushed him," he said.

"Why would he still carry a picture! He needs to burn it!" I said.

"He still loves her. Imagine loving someone so much, then finding out they didn't feel the same," he said. I frowned as I saw Dustin come out and grab another spear they had made last night. I got up,

"I'll go talk to him," I said.

"Good luck," he said. I walked over to the hut and opened the door. Kendall was standing up, holding his guitar.

"Morning," I said.

"Afternoon," he said pointing to the clock.

"Right," I said. He sat the guitar on a mat and crossed his arms as he looked at me. "You wanna go for a walk?" I asked. He squinted his eyes at me and I smiled at him again.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because, I thought you'd like to join me in looking for more food sources and hopefully a spring to take a bath, if not the ocean is all we got," I said. He looked around, and then after what felt like hours he answered,

"Yeah sure," he said. He grabbed a knife and stuffed it in his pocket as we walked. I waved to James as we walked out and he came running over.

"You aren't going out there!" James said.

"Why not? I have Kendall to throw at anything that tries to kill me," I said. Kendall glared at me and went to turn around when I grabbed his arm. "Don't go! I was joking," I said. He kept his head down, but stayed next to me.

"Yes, but we still don't know what's out there. I don't want to see anyone hurt, and or dead," he said.

"Then come!" I groaned. He nodded and walked into the hut. He came back out with another spear and I giggled.

"What?" he asked.

"Another spear?" I asked.

"We all have one, except Kendall who refused to leave the hut last night," he said. Kendall shrugged as we began to walk. James cut down some of the high grass checking for snakes or anything else. As we walked farther in James saw a few trees.

"Here... it looks like a banana tree," he said. He handed me a few things and handed Kendall the spear. As James cut a few down I heard a growl,

"Kendall are you hungry?" I asked. I didn't get a response I turned around and saw Kendall freeze. My eyes got big,

"B-b-bear," Kendall muttered. I watched as it didn't seem phased by us. James slid down and grabbed the bananas in his shirt. Kendall held his hand to James' chest, he looked up and his eyes grew large. We all slowly began to walk back to the beach. As we made it James looked at Kendall,

"We need to keep the bear over there, it's not too stupid. It'll find us if it gets hungry enough," he said.

"Why does something so cute have to be so vicious?" I asked. Seconds later James turned around,

"Someone tapped my-," he froze when we saw a monkey.

"Oh my god," I said. Kendall slid his arms around me and pulled me to slowly back up with him. The monkey was smiling and motioned to the bananas James held. James handed it one and it sat down, opening it. James walked with the rest into the hut and left Kendall and I standing there. The monkey held out it's hand to me and I went to reach for it when Kendall pulled me back, "I'll be fine," I said. I held it's hand and shook it. The monkey walked past us and over to the others. "Guys we have a guest," I called. Ella screamed and jumped into Dustin's arms. I walked over and Kendall grabbed the spear.

"I'm fishing," He said and walked away. James came out and looked at the monkey concerned.

"It likes Ella," he said flatly.

"Do you like Ella?" I asked smirking.

"I don't like anyone," he shrugged and sat on one of the logs the guys pulled out around the fire. I sat next to him and smirked. The monkey held a flower and walked over to me. It handed it to me and I took it. The monkey motioned to my head and I stuck the flower behind my ear. It clapped and I smiled as it sat on the ground next to me.

"That's so weird," he said.

"At least it's nice," I said. He nodded in agreement and I walked over to Logan and Carlos who were fishing still on the oposing side Kendall headed to.

"Kat, watch out. I almost have one!" Carlos said. He speared and got one throwing it in the sand. "Once it dies we'll take it up," he said. Logan glared at Carlos as he collected his spear and walked back over to the fire.

"Can I try?" I asked. He handed me the spear and I walked into the water. I saw a few and I turned back to Logan. "I can't do it, I like animals too much," I said.

"Haha, yeah I saw that monkey flirting with you," he laughed.

"Shut up! You want to be on the animals good side so we don't get eaten tonight," I said. Logan looked down at Kendall and he just sat on a rock and poked the water with James' spear.

"He's so depressed all the time, it's sad," he said.

"Yeah... James told me about his ex," I said.

"They aren't exes right now... well before we crashed. She asked him out the morning of the crash. Said when he gets back she'll move in with him," he said.

"Oh wow," I frowned.

"Yeah, they're such a mess. Looks like he won't have to worry about her though. I doubt we'll get found out here. On the radio it already said they welcomed home the members of the sunken cruise ship," he said. "They mentioned some were missing but figured we died, so she's probably crying over Kendall's "dead" body." he said. I shrugged,

"We all have each other. It's fun," I smiled. He nodded and put his arm around my shoulders as we walked back over to the fire.

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