Chapter Eighteen

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James and I climbed up the tree and I looked from the end of the branch to the cave opening.

"You'll have to swing yourself up," he said. He leapt from the branch into the cave. I let myself hang and I heard Kendall from the ground,
"Oh my god she's gonna fall," he said. That wasn't helping. I got myself swinging and jumped up, missing the edge by an inch. James caught me and pulled me in.

"Oh my god, that was close. Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded catching my breath. I got up from the hard, cold ground and we snuck through the cave. We walked down a nicely sculpted stair case and I saw a man behind a computer. I tapped James' shoulder and he looked at the guy confused. James saw a gun beside him and he picked it up. He pulled the trigger and the man turned and looked at us quickly.

"Simon Silardi?!" I asked. James looked at me confused.

"You were my favorite director! Until they said you went missing at sea..." I said and motioned to the screen. "Are you making a movie!" I said.

"No, well yes. But nothing that'll be of any good. You kids are smart and knew to build a shelter. No one has died from not taking care of themselves," he said.

"You've been here the WHOLE TIME with WI-FI and didn't call for help?!" James glared.

"What's the point! I don't know any longitude or latitude coordinates for them to find us! Even if they tracked through a signal it would help," he said. I frowned and turned off my phone. The others came in and Kendall pointed to him,

"Simon Silardi!" He said.

"We've been over that!" James said angrily and threw the gun on the ground. It went of and James covered me quickly.

"No!" Kendall yelled. James and I both looked up and saw it hit Simon. My eyes got huge and Simon's body hit the switch that shut everything down. There were a few candles lit and Kendall made his way over grabbing me from James' arms. James followed all of us out and we all quietly made our way back to the huts.

Once we got there the music was luckily not on. James tried putting his arm around Ella, but she awkwardly shrugged away. I noticed a lamp wash up and it had a paper in the end if it.

"Murderer Escaped on Cruise Boat: The murderer of Nick Merico is said to be someone who was lost in the-" that's all I could read because the last bit was ripped. My eyes widened and I looked over at everyone. Was Nick a ghost! I felt nauseated as I walked into the hut with the lamp. I held it close to me as I rubbed it with my thumb nervously. Suddenly a steam arose from it and I saw a man standing across the room.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked.

"Your genie! My name is Genie as well...Now rules are you have three wishes. No you can't wish for more or infinite wishes. You can't wish to cause death or wealth." He said.

"Can I wish for all of us get back home?" I asked.

"Well," he said. I ran out of the hut and everyone looked at me. My genie followed me out and I motioned to him.

"Guys, he's gonna let me wish for us to go home!" I said.

"Kat... Nobody is there..." Ella said. I looked next to me and he nodded.

"You're the only one the wishes can effect, unless you request upon someone else... Only one person at a time. And only you can see me. You really should've let me finish..." He said. I frowned and looked at them. Kendall looked at me like I was crazy and I frowned as I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me as Genie sat next to me and looked at Kendall with a nasty face. "You can wish for a more attractive boyfriend for starters," he said.

"No," I glared. Kendall looked at me and let go of me. "No! I didn't mean it toward you... It's just... Uh... Nothing," I sighed. Kendall just kept his arm to himself and even scooted over a bit. I scooted closer to him and he scooted away. I leaned over to genie. "I wish he didn't think I was crazy," I said. Genie sighed and pointed at Kendall. Kendall looked over at me and put his arm back around me. "Thanks," I mouthed. Genie smiled and poofed away. Kendall kissed the top of my head and I looked over at Dustin.

"I'm fishing! I need food," he said.

"Me too," Logan sighed.

"Me three," James said. I looked at Kendall and studied his face.

"If I had a wish to get you and I off this island... Would you want me to do it?" I asked.

"Only if the guys could come. They're like brothers to me," he said. I frowned and thought for a minute. I got up and walked back into the hut, rubbing the lamp. Genie came out and he glared at me,

"I was just about asleep," he glared.

"I wish for the longitude and latitude of this island," I said. He snapped his fingers and a piece of paper showed up with coordinates.

"I wish for a phone with signal, including a coastguard number," I said. Genie snapped and went back inside. I called and someone picked up,

"Hello! Hi! I'm Kat Montgomery. I was one of the many who got lost on the cruise ship last month. I have longitude and latitude to the island. Can you please come get us?" I asked.

"I'm sorry kid, we've gotten this phone call too much the last month," he said and hung up. I paused and looked at the phone in disbelief. I called 911 and it picked up,

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked.

"Hi, I'm Kat Montgomery. I'm one of the passengers on the ship that crashed last month. I have the longitude and latitude to locate us," I said.

"Alright let me connect you to the coastguard," she said. I waited when I heard,

"Hello?" The same man asked from earlier.

"Yeah, hey it's me again. I'm being serious we are out here, I just called 911!" I said.

"Yeah well can it kid!" He said and hung up. I threw the phone on the ground and it broke.

"No!" I said. I put the longitude and latitude paper in my bag of clothes and put my head in my hands.

"Kat?" I heard Kendall ask from the door.

"Hey," I said crying.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I wished for the phone, and the longitude and latitude of the island. I had everything I needed to get us out of here," I said. He pulled me in his arms and kissed my cheek.

"Kat, we've made it this long... We don't have to go back," He said.

"Yeah but I want a life! I want to be married, I want to have a family! I'm not going to be able to!" I said.

"No one ever said that," he said. I looked up at him and he hugged me tighter.

Comment what ya think! Let me know how much you like this and if I should post again soon!

Lost with Big Time Rush [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now