Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up and Kendall was standing by me. I screamed and he cracked up laughing,

"So boyfriends stand by their girlfriends bed until they wake up?" I asked. He smiled and bent down kissing my forehead.

"No! I thought you'd be up already. I want you to come with me to get more lemons. Two hands are better than one." He said.

"Then you can do it yourself..." I said waiting for him to get what he said.

"Four hands are better than two?" He said. I laughed and got up walking out with him.

"Where are you two going?" Dustin called.

"Lemons!" Kendall said.

"Oh yeah! Get more!!" He said. We waved and Kendall took my hand as we walked.

"So what do you think about James and Ella!" I smiled and he just shrugged as we got to the tree. I noticed a green rock and slipped it in my pocket.

"What's that?" I asked shrugging back at him.

"I just think she's not... James material," he said.

"Excuse me?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"I thinks she's a little... Dingy..." He said. I dropped the lemons I held and he came around the tree as I walked away. "Kat!" He said.

"No! I'm not gonna date you if you're going to trash my best friend!" I glared. "Get your own lemons!" I said grabbing one and chucking it at him.

"Ow," he muttered.

"I didn't even want to date you in the first place!" I said. As I got back to the huts everyone looked at me confused.

"Where's Kendall?" Ella asked. I went to speak but I just kept my mouth shut and walked into our hut. I sat on my bed and sighed.

"I wish I had my dream boyfriend. Not someone I was guilted into liking. A guy who's sporty, but likes music. Tall... Bright eyes... Yeah," I whispered to myself and curled up closing my eyes.


"Hello?!" I heard someone yell. I got up and saw Victoria and Ella following me. They heard it too. By the time we all got up James and Logan were talking to the two people. I walked over and locked eyes with the tall, brown haired guy. He was... Cute!

"I'm Nick, that's..." He looked at her confused.

"I'm Stella," she smiled. Nick just nodded his head.

"I don't know her," he added. I smiled as he stood in front of me.

"What's your name?" He asked me. I looked at Ella and she held her hands together forming a heart. I smirked and looked back at him.

"Kat," I said.

"Well Kat, YOU are very beautiful," he said. I smiled and looked at James and Logan who's eyes were widening. James grabbed me and put his arm around me.

"Sorry, she has a boyfriend," James said.

"I do not!" I said shrugging out of James' grip. He looked to Logan confused and I looked around for Kendall but saw him nowhere.

"Absolutely single," I smiled. He smiled back and looked to James and Logan.

"Do you have somewhere we can stay?" He asked.

"Yeah, Stella you can go with the girls. Nick, follow us," James said. Logan stayed with me as Victoria and Ella took Stella back.

"What do you mean you're single?" He asked.

"Kendall said he thinks Ella isn't good enough for James and that she's dingy. I'm not dating someone so rude," I said. Logan looked at me confused.

"I can't believe he said that after," Logan cut himself off and went to walk back to the hut. I grabbed the back of his shirt.

"After what?" I asked.

"If you didn't say yes to date him he was going after her next," he said quickly. I nodded and looked to the hut.

"Lovely," I said. I said my goodnight to Logan and went back to our hut.

Morning came and I walked out to see Nick throwing a football with James.

"Where'd you two get that?" I asked.

"I went back to Bob's cave and gathered a few things," James said tossing it back. I nodded and made my way over to Nick's side. He saw me and waved causing him to not pay attention to the ball and it nailed him in the stomach. I ran over and James stood waiting for my signal.

"Are you ok!" I asked.

"Perfect," he said. I smiled as I helped him up and he kissed my cheek. "Thanks angel," he said and ran over to James leaving me there blushing. I saw Kendall coming out of the hut and he looked at Nick confused. He walked over to Nick and James and they began talking. Kendall didn't like him. I could tell right after I heard what Nick said,

"I don't really like music. Don't get me wrong I listen to it, but I prefer sports," he said. I love this guy! I walked up beside him and he put his arm around me. I smiled up at him and my eyes landed on Kendall who was giving me a death glare. I gripped Nick more and he looked down at me and kissed my forehead. I turned a bright shade of red and Kendall angrily marched to the hut. "What's his problem?" Nick asked.

"Kendall's a very... Emotional guy, he dated Kat," James said. Nick let go of me and I felt my smile fade.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset him! She said she was single," he said.

"I am!" I argued.

"I don't want to upset him," he said.

"You aren't upsetting him. He'll move on," I said. Nick looked at me and smiled.

"Are you saying you like me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. He smiled too and leaned in placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I like you too," he winked.

"Nick! Wanna help catch lunch?" Logan asked.

"Yeah!" He called out. Nick looked down at me and hugged me. "I'll plan something tonight, I have an idea," he smiled and ran out to Logan. I saw Kendall come back out and he walked up to me.

"So... You like... Him?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's really sweet. And so far hasn't told me that my best friend is dingy," I said.

"Kat I'm sorry," he said.

"I don't care what you are. You don't think she's good enough! That's like telling me I'm a piece of crap! She's my best friend," I pointed out. I walked away from him and sat in the sand watching Logan and Nick poke at the fish.

Soooo, isn't Nick interesting... How did she get her dream boyfriend..... Mysteryyy haha

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