Chapter Seventeen

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"Kat!"he yelled. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back as he fell on top of me. "Oh my god," he said holding his chest.

"I'm sorry... I just," I thought back to the emerald. Nick didn't show up until I wished for him the day I got the emerald. And now he's gone... And I broke it. He was magic! Well... Not necessarily him. I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked in the water. Nobody was in sight. I removed my jacket and my shoes that were already practically rags covering what they could.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Jumping," I said.

"Uhm, no you're not! I won't let you!" He said grabbing my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I said.

"Why do you wanna jump?" He asked. I smirked at him,

"For the fun of it," I smiled. He took off his shirt and grabbed my hand.

"We're going together," he said.

"Don't you think I'm stupid?" I asked. He shook his head,

"I didn't mean it against Ella. I see her and James and I think of you and me. I shouldn't have upset you, and I love you... A lot!" He said.

"I- uh... I love you too," I said. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me kissing me. I pulled away and he took my hand again. "Three... Two... One!" I yelled and we both dove off the cliff. We crashed into the water and I came up to see Kendall already waiting for me. He swam over and put his arms around me. "Do you hear that?" I asked suddenly. Live for the Night by: Krewella was playing. He nodded and looked around. I swam to the edge and he followed me. "How is it playing?" I asked. He looked around when he found a black cord.

"Another freaky cave man?" Kendall asked.

"No, there was no signal here... Was there?" I asked.

"All of our phones died. We never thought about looking for wi-fi on a island..." Kendall said. I remembered I had turned mine off.

"I still have mine! Let's go!" I yelled. As we ran back at the huts Sparks Fly by: Taylor Swift was playing.

"You should sing this to me..." Kendall smirked as we got back.

"Why?" I asked.

"Green eyes..." He said. I rolled my eyes as I found my phone and turned it on. Speak Now began to play and Kendall grabbed my hand. "Don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door," he mumbled along. I rolled my eyes as I hit settings then wi-fi on my phone. It was locked but read, DEATH Island. I showed Kendall. He hit it and it asked for a password. He typed password and it didn't work. He handed it back and looked around confused. "Let's go look for everyone," he said. As we walked through the jungle Shatter Me by Lindsey Sterling played.

"Okay, this person has good music taste... For the most part," I said. We found everyone and they looked at us confused.

"Where's Nick," James asked.

"I don't know," I said then the music moved here.

"Where is that coming from?" James asked.

"We need to get to the mountain," I said.

"What mountain?" Logan asked. I pointed and there was only a little bit showing over the trees. "Was that always there?" He asked.

"I don't know... I never looked. But let's get going!" I said.

"We're off to see the wizard!" Logan sang.

"The wonderful wizard of oz!" Carlos and James added. I laughed and Kendall stayed next to me. We all began walking. I escaped Kendall and went over to Victoria and Ella.

"So... Where did Nick go?" Ella asked.

"That emerald... That's what brought him here... And it's what made him leave..." I said.

"He was magic?!" Victoria said.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Aw, you really liked him!" Ella said. I shrugged.

"We were too much alike..." I said. Victoria pointed over to Kendall.

"So are you going back to him?" She asked.

"I think so..." I said. She smiled and I looked over at Kendall who was talking to James and Logan. Carlos was with Stella, Jannah and Dustin.

"Go walk with him!" Ella said pushing me over. I smiled and walked over. James and Logan smiled at me and patted Kendall's back walking over to the girls. I grabbed his hand and he peeked over at me. As we walked it got warmer, the snow was melting and the sun was out.

"How is the weather doing this?" He asked looking down at me. He let go of my hand and slid his arm around my waist. I put my arm around him and shook my head,

"Do I look like a scientist?" I asked. He smirked and kissed my temple.

"Here!"James said. There was an opening to a cave and Logan smiled wide.

"Okay, let split up. Kendall, James, Ella, and Kat. Me, Jannah, Dustin Victoria. Then Carlos with them, Stella with us," he finished. Ella stood next to me and James put his arm around her.

"You guys go around back, we'll go in here," Logan said. We walked around back and took a look.

"There's an opening up there!" James whispered. We looked up and saw he was right.

"How do we get up?" Kendall asked. James looked around and smiled up at a tree.

"Are any of you flexible?" James asked. I rose my hand and Ella pointed at me. "You're coming with me," James said and lifted me with his right arm as we climbed up the tree.

Soooo, what do ya think?!?! Leave me a comment!!

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